
Self Love Advice Tips: Why You Should Love Yourself First

Self Love Advice tips Why You Should Love Yourself First

If you want to improve your life, then embrace these 4 helpful self love advice tips. Learn why and how you should love yourself first.

They say that you can’t fall in love with others until you fall in love with yourself.

Well, “they” is right!

However, sometimes our journey isn’t neat. It can be messy.

People, friends, children, and more might arrive in our lives before we have found ourselves and learned how to love ourselves fully – and we can wind up with challenging interactions which can further harm our self love.

If you’re new to my site, hi there! I am a bestselling personal development author, award winning designer and research geek on happiness.

In my research I’ve read a range of studies which recommend boosting your self love to improve your relationships and over all happiness.

With this in mind, I created a beautiful journal, called Listen to Your Heart to help you to eavesdrop on your inner longings, fears and helpful lessons to be learned – so you can get more deeply in touch with loving yourself more.

Plus …in this article I share key tips to improve your self worth and self esteem.

4 Top Self Love Advice Tips

The road to loving yourself isn’t always easy, but it is essential.

So no matter where you are, here are some self love tips to help you to love yourself first and appreciate yourself more. 

1. Use Words of Self Love

What you say to yourself – over and over and over – simply becomes compounded over time – and you can set you up for a negative thought spiral. 

So try to catch yourself in the midst of a self talk spree. Pause. Then think about what you might say to a child or your best friend when they aren’t feeling great. Swap in these words and loving tone as the basis for what you should be saying to yourself. 

Unfortunately, most often, we give people a big boost that we simply don’t give to ourselves. 

Be kind to yourself always, which is even more critical if you are in the middle of difficult situations. 

2. Only Accept Relationships Of Respect 

relationships full of dramaNot everyone out there is a nice person.

Sometimes we end up in relationships with those people or friends with them.

At first, we might not notice how we feel when we are around them. But after a short while, an uneasy feeling can wash over us. 

Removing people from your life who are toxic is an essential part of your own growth. 

It can be hard to find the strength to leave a situation where you aren’t growing. It is important that you have a support team you can lean on. Fore example… a close friend, a loving family member, a MasterMind Coach, a therapist, Spodek law group, a doctor, and more can provide a great network. 

I also recommend learning the skills of healthy boundaries and strong communication.

For this reason, I teach boundary tools in my video course Manage and Avoid Drama Llamas. These video training tools have helped many thousands of people around the world to develop effective ways to respond when people treat you badly.

Plus…if you’re recovering from a difficult break up, check out my groundbreaking course, Broken Heart Recovery.

3. Do Things You Love

self love persistenceMillions of us are too busy to find time to do the things we love.

Or, millions of us are so exhausted giving everyone our energy that we have none left for ourselves.

Maybe a bit of both. 

What would you do if you had 5 days and just yourself to look after?

Try looking at where you can save some energy and use it for yourself. It doesn’t have to be a high energy cost item; you might just want to drink tea in the peace and quiet. 

It might involve you taking a walk in the local nature reserve with a flask of tea. 

Plan some time for yourself. 

4. Embrace Self Love Gratitude & Love Yourself First

love yourself first and moreEmbrace yourself truly!

We are all trying to fit into a mold that might not be the best thing for us, instead of letting us be ourselves authentically. 

The more of yourself you embrace, the better you can live. It is a healing process too.

Take some quiet time to lovingly look at your past, address how you feel about things. Basically, do some soul searching.

Allow yourself to be alone with your thoughts and feelings, so you can process everything in a deep way. Introspection can be a powerful tool when you are on the journey of loving yourself. 

Boost your self love and self worth

Start writing in my Listen to Your Heart Journal

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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