Do you know the signs of an unhealthy gut? If you’re not feeling well, it could be because of bacteria and microbiome issues that are throwing your gut off kilter. Read on…
Most of the bacteria found in the gut are essential for your health… but some may have detrimental effects.
With this in mind, you need to have a balanced amount of good and bad bacteria, so your digestive functions remain stable and you feel healthy.
Unfortunately, there are times when the gut microbiome is thrown out of balance and you need to take action.
While an upset stomach may not seem like a big deal, if you keep your gut unhealthy for a long time, it may have serious consequences.
No worries – I’m here to help!
If you’re just discovering my site, I’m a wellness research geek. In my bestselling longevity book, Life is Long, I share many research-based secrets to living longer, healthier, younger.
In this particular article I will share 5 signs of an unhealthy gut and suggestions for how to get your gut flowing more healthfully!
5 Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut
If you’re concerned about your gut health, here are five signs that you need to take action to improve your unhealthy gut.
1. Frequent Stomach Pains
It follows that an unhealthy gut will certainly cause stomach problems. If you experience diarrhea, heartburn, or constipation quite often, then it’s time to give your stomach extra care.
2. Skin Breakouts
If you notice that your skin is usually itchy and flaring up, it’s time to have your gut examined. A study shows that skin inflammation and other skin problems such as eczema, acne, rosacea, and psoriasis, could be related to gut problems.
3. Significant Weight Changes
Adding and losing weight without dieting are common symptoms of gut imbalance. The gut microbiome has been shown to have a strong link to metabolism. If your gut isn’t functioning well, then your body can’t properly control blood sugar, absorb nutrients, or store fat. You may be losing weight because there are too much bacteria in your small intestine that will cause you to overeat and make up for lost nutrients.
4. Intense Craving for Sweets
Eating too much sugar will eventually lead to sugar addiction. A high sugar intake messes with your gut due to the imbalance of microbes. Sweet foods don’t provide the right fuel in increasing the number of good bacteria in your gut.
5. Mood Swings And Anxiety Attacks
While stress can cause stomach pain, there are other causes for the latter as well. The body’s serotonin, which regulates your emotions, is stored in the gut. Thus, it’s no wonder that an imbalanced gut can make you feel anxious and moody too.
Making Your Gut Healthy
Improving your microbiome lies in changing your diet. In as short as a few days, your imbalanced gut microbes should be back on track.
Here are some things you can do:
- Make your plate colorful. This means that you should eat a variety of healthy food. The more varied your diet, the healthier your gut. Ensure that you eat vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat, and whole grains. Don’t forget to add fermented foods such as kimchi, yogurt, and sauerkraut—because they contain probiotics or good bacteria helpful for your gut.
- Increase fiber intake. Ensure that you have your daily dose of fiber, which is known to improve gut health. Don’t forget to incorporate high-fiber food such as seeds, nuts, and grains into your diet. However, you must remember that too much fiber also isn’t helpful as it may cause constipation.
Incorporating fiber into your diet is crucial, but not all fibers work the same way. You may have heard of both soluble and insoluble fibers—two subtypes, each serving a unique purpose in gut health improvement.
Soluble fiber absorbs water, turning it into a gel-like substance that aids digestion by slowing it down. This type allows more time for nutrient absorption from food passing through the system, thereby enhancing overall wellness. An excellent example is psyllium husk, a natural source of soluble fibre that’s well-known for its immense benefits—it significantly helps alleviate constipation and promotes regular bowel movements.
On the other hand, insoluble fiber acts as roughage or bulk in your gut. It originates mainly from plant cell walls, aiding to speed up the movement of food and waste material through your digestive tract. Common sources include whole grains, seeds such as chia or flax seeds, along with many types of vegetables like broccoli or carrots.
Final Thoughts On Unhealthy Gut Signs
Your gut plays a huge role in your overall being and it’s best to take care of it earlier. Your genes also play a crucial role in your digestive function. If you’re interested, you can learn more about your genes and gut microbiome at My Psomagen. But mostly you should be aware of these 5 signs of an unhealthy gut and follow these suggestions for an improved gut. If you do, then you’ll experience good digestion, a great disposition, a healthy brain, and a healthy heart.
So, it’s high time that you change into a more gut-friendly lifestyle now. Your gut will definitely thank you for it!
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