
How To Find the Perfect Engagement Ring: The Only Advice You Need

How To Find the Perfect Engagement RingMaking your engagement special can feel intimidating, so here’s advice on how to find the perfect engagement ring.

Feeling anxious about popping the question to your significant other?

Before you do, you’re obviously going to need to pick up a beautiful engagement ring for them. Your engagement isn’t going to feel official until you slip a ring onto their finger.

Despite what you may have heard in the past, you don’t necessarily need to spend a small fortune on an engagement ring for it to be special. Spending two months’ salary on a ring is no longer a requirement.

But there is some other engagement ring advice you should keep in mind when shopping around for the perfect ring for your soon-to-be spouse. By learning how to pick an engagement ring, you’ll ensure that you’re able to find something that they will love.

How To Find the Perfect Engagement Ring

Here are some tips that will help you go about picking the right engagement ring.

Come Up With a Budget for Buying an Engagement Ring

First things first: Before you start trying to figure out how to shop for an engagement ring, you should come up with a budget for it.

The last thing you want to do is find the perfect ring for your significant other…and then realize it’s five times what you were thinking about spending on a ring.

On average, people are spending about $6,000 on engagement rings these days. But you’re free to spend as little or as much on an engagement ring as you want.

If you know that your significant other is expecting a gorgeous ring that will knock their socks off, you might want to think about spending a little bit extra on it. If, on the other hand, they aren’t the type of person to put too much value into jewelry, you might want to consider scaling back on your engagement ring spending.

Either way, it’s smart to have a budget in the back of your mind from the beginning when shopping for an engagement ring. It’ll prevent you from breaking the bank on a ring you can’t actually afford. If you’d like a guide on how to purchase an affordable engagement ring for your significant other, Larsen Jewellery has a great guide on choosing the right ring for your partner that is in your price range.

Figure Out What Kind of Engagement Ring Your Significant Other Wants

It’s going to be very difficult deciding how to choose an engagement ring if you don’t have the slightest clue what your significant other might like. It’s why you should start putting some feelers out as far as finding out what they like long before you begin shopping for rings.

Did your significant other “ooh” and “aah” when they saw the engagement ring that their best friend received recently? Then you might want to look more into what style of ring it was.

There are plenty of engagement ring styles to choose from.

You can look at engagement rings that are:

  • Traditional
  • Trendy
  • Timeless
  • Stylish
  • Contemporary

Try to gauge which style they might like best based on the clues that they put out over time. They’ll be extra excited about their engagement ring if you happen to hit a home run in the style department.

Choose Which Diamond (or Diamonds!) Will Be a Part of the Engagement Ring

The average person doesn’t know the first thing about diamonds. Sure, they know that diamonds are very shiny and look great in the light. But they don’t know what makes one diamond different from the next.

When you’re trying to pick out an engagement ring, it’s essential for you to know what separates different diamonds from each other.

Diamond quality is decided by four main factors, including:

  • Cut
  • Clarity
  • Color
  • Carat weight

You don’t have to turn yourself into some kind of diamond expert to buy an engagement ring. But you’ll have an easier time choosing a ring when you know a little bit more about diamonds and what goes into them. Find out more about them so that you can choose which diamond (or diamonds!) you want to put into your significant other’s engagement ring.

Decide on the Setting That You’ll Use for the Engagement Ring

In addition to choosing the right diamond (or diamonds!) for an engagement ring, you’ll also need to pick out a setting for it. The setting will be made out of metal.

An engagement ring’s setting can be constructed out of gold, silver, platinum, and more. You’ll want to work closely with a jeweler to find the setting that’s going to look best with the diamond that will be at the center of the ring.

Make Sure You Know Your Significant Other’s Ring Size

Do you know what your significant other’s ring size is? Chances are, you don’t have any idea. You probably wouldn’t even be able to guess it if you had to.

You don’t want to come right out and ask them to give you their ring size since that will ruin the surprise that you have planned. But you also don’t want to buy a ring for them that is too tight or too big.

It’s a good idea to bring a few other rings that your significant other owns to your jeweler when buying an engagement ring. They can use them to figure out what size ring to make for you.

Put the Engagement Ring in a Safe Place Prior to Popping the Question

As long as you’ve followed all the engagement ring advice we’ve provided here, you should end up with an amazing ring for your significant other. The only things left to do will be to pay for the ring and to put it somewhere safe.

Try to find a safe to put the ring in until you’re ready to propose. It’ll guarantee that nothing happens to the ring while you’re waiting to pop the question.

Use This Engagement Ring Advice to Find the Perfect One

First you found the perfect love partner. Now you’re ready to find the perfect engagement ring for your partner!  Put the engagement ring advice found here to the test when you start looking around at rings. It’ll make it easier for you to find a ring that your significant other will love.

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