
25 Feeling Unloved Quotes For When You Don’t Feel Loved

Feel Unloved? 25 Quotes to Remind You You're AwesomeHere’s a collection of quotes about feeling unloved – for when you don’t feel loved – to help you feel more self love for who you uniquely are. I hope these feeling unloved quotes help to boost your self esteem for what you have to offer.

Life feels harder when you feel unloved –  like you are not enough – or that you’re not needed anymore.

I personally created these feeling unloved quotes.

I’m both a bestselling author and award winning designer. So I decided to create these image quotes about feeling unloved – because I’ve known those gut wrenching feelings of self doubt, insecurity and loneliness. I used to be involved with a Prince Harming – who messed with my mind, heart and self esteem.

Thankfully I’ve since done the inner work needed to boost my self confidence and self worth. I’ve since healed and moved on to feel more love for myself – which then led to me finding healthier love with an amazing partner.

I’m now on a mission to help as many people as I can to feel more loved and appreciate their self worth.

Feeling unloved due to toxic people…?

Quotes About Feeling Unloved

Print out these image quotes about unlove and sayings about not feeling loved. Post these unloved quotes around your home. Read them often! Use these confidence building image quotes to motivate yourself when you don’t feel loved – so you appreciate all you have to offer. Eventually you’ll feel more self love on a daily basis.


Feel Unloved? 25 Quotes to Remind You You're Awesome

My life might not be perfect. I have many challenges. But I also have too many blessings to be ungrateful. – Karen Salmansohn


Feel Unloved? 25 Quotes to Boost Self Love and Help Loneliness

Whether it’s the best of times or worst of times, it’s the only time you have. Look for the good in each day. Focus on growth, purpose, peace, love and gratitude. – Karen Salmansohn


Feel not love? 25 Quotes to Remind You You're Awesome

Whatever’s worrying you right now, forget about it. Think of someone who makes you feel safe and loved. Breathe in this love. – Karen Salmansohn


motivational quotes feel unloved

Always do what you can to graciously accept compliments. Your inability to accept kind words is not a form of modesty. It’s a form of anti-self-love. Similarly, appreciating what makes you special and accepting compliments is not a form of egotism. It’s a form of soul-itism. It’s valuing what your soul is here to to be and do. – Karen Salmansohn


self love quotes about feeling unloved

Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot. You will survive whatever is happening right now, too.


inspirational quotes to Boost Self Love and Help Loneliness

Sometimes you need to be alone to find out who you really are and what you really want. – Karen Salmansohn


motivational quotes

Trying to make sense of crazy will simply drive you crazy. Let it go. – Karen Salmansohn


self love quote

We all choose to receive love and joy at the level of our self love and self esteem. So love yourself a little harder and life will get a lot better. – Karen Salmansohn


inspirational quotes

Become the person you needed when you were younger.


inspirational quotes to Boost Self Love and Help Loneliness

Let’s stop believing that our differences make us superior or inferior to one another. – Karen Salmansohn


Don't Feel Loved? 25 Quotes to Remind You You're Awesome

You’re strong. You survived living through the main pain of it all. You will survive the healing time. Things will get better. Even better than better. – Karen Salmansohn


inspirational quotes

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. No – wait. Shame the heck on you! I forgave you and you did it again?!


Don't Feel Loved? 25 Quotes to Remind You You're Awesome

Feeling stressed? Rest here for a while. Take a deep breath. Let it all out. Know that you will be okay. – Karen Salmansohn

  • Use these feeling unloved quotes as mobile wallpapers to regularly remind yourself you’re awesome!


self love quotes

Please do not allow the challenges of your past to stop you from becoming who you are meant to be. – Karen Salmansohn


self love quotes

Facing it. Always facing it. That’s the way to get through it. Face it. – Joseph Conrad


Don't Feel Loved? 25 Quotes to Remind You You're Awesome

The answer: Love. The question: The answer to most questions is to send love to a situation or a person. This often includes loving yourself a lot more. – Karen Salmansohn


self love quotes

Love yourself enough to let go of all things toxic. Toxic lovers, friends, food and thoughts. – Karen Salmansohn


quotes about feeling unloved

The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work on becoming yourself. – Anna Quindlen


inspiring quotes unloved

Only grow thoughts in your brain that you would not mind putting in a vase.


25 Quotes Feeling Unloved - To Boost Self Love

Surprise! Today is Happy new Opportunity Day! It’s a day to try new choices or do old things in a new way. Another surprise! Every day is Happy New Opportunity Day! – Karen Salmansohn


unloved quotes

It’s impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all -in which case you fail by default. – J.K. Rowling


25 Quotes For When You're Feeling Unloved - To Boost Self Love

Start now. Start where you are. With fear. Pain. Hands shaking. Doubt. Just start! – Ijeoma Umebinyuo


quotes about feeling unloved

If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be. – Maya Angelou


unLoved sayings

In the midst of winter I found there was within me an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me there’s something stronger, something better, pushing right back. – Albert Camus


unloved quotes

The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well. -Alfred Adler

Bonus Unloved Quote

unloved quote about being good enough karen salmansohn

You’re good enough. You’ve always been good enough. You just have been too good to the wrong people.

Feeling unloved due to toxic people?

Join my video course, Manage and Avoid Drama Llamas.

  • Figure out if someone’s a narcissist, sociopath, liar, game player and plain ol’ crazy maker – far sooner – so you can stay far away!
  • Set limits and create stronger boundaries to stop toxic people from emotionally manipulating you and pushing your “pissed off” button
  • Much more!

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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