
Too Busy To Meditate? Try Quick 2 Minute Meditations For Busy People

karen salmansohn 2 minute meditations for busy peopleToo busy to meditate? Then you should definitely find time for meditation!

Wondering how the heck to find the time for meditation?

Here’s a quick 2 minute meditation – scientifically reported to help you to feel more relaxed and focused.

[Pssst…I’m sneaking you this 2 minute Meditation from inside my book Instant Calm!]

I love meditation.

It helps me to…

  • calm my mind
  • boost my creativity and productivity
  • fall asleep

If you’ve been following my work, then you know I joyously studied to be a meditation (and yoga) teacher at Ishta Yoga.

Although I’ve always loved meditation, there were times I let my meditation pillow collect dust in the closet (aka: after my son was born).

I felt I was too busy to meditate.

I simply didn’t think I had time.

The ironic truth: 

  • Meditation doesn’t need to take up a lot of time.
  • Meditation can actually give you back time.

Yep. Meditation can serve as a terrific time management tool!

Too Busy To Meditate? Try 2 Minute Chocolate Meditations -Science-based

When you meditate, you become able to think at your clearest, so you do work at a faster and more productive level.

Plus when your mind is clear, you don’t make as many sloppy mistakes. As a result, you don’t have to take time to re-do what you messed up.

Here’s a funny story from one of my favorite books – Steve Covey’s book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” – which explains why meditation is such a terrific time management tool.

“Seeing the saw”

There was this guy (GUY#1) who was sawing down a tree with a very long, dull saw.

Because his saw had a dull blade – it was taking him a very long, dull time to do his sawing work.

His friend (GUY#2) tried to get him to stop sawing – so he could sharpen his saw.

GUY#2 explained, “If you sharpen your saw, you’ll get done sooner!”

GUY#1 declined saying, “I can’t take the time to sharpen the saw. I’m too busy sawing the tree.”

Unfortunately, GUY#1 did not see what GUY#2 saw.

When you slow down to sharpen your saw, you save time –  by improving how quickly and effectively you “saw” away at anything you might need to do!

Well, meditation is like sharpening that saw! 

It sharpens your thinking!

Meditation helps you to…

  • Sharpen up your mental, emotional and spiritual saws.
  • Slow down and remember to live true to your core values.
  • Better see how to turn your “to do list” into a “to do what matters most” list
  • Keep your energy strong, your mind clear, and your soul in the driver’s seat.

So….how do you find time to meditate?

I personally love to do various 2-minute sensory meditations – where are based on using your 5 senses as grounding tools.

How Sensory Meditations Work:

  • You focus your attention in a “one-pointed way” on one of your 5 senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, sound).
  • Every time your busy chattering mind starts to gab its negativity, you redirect your attention back to this one-pointed sensory focus.

Example: Sensory Chocolate Meditation

chocolate meditationI love doing 2 minute sensory meditations so much, that I even wrote a book called Instant Calm – sharing all my favorite sensory meditations.

Here’s A Sensory Taste Meditation from Instant Calm all about chocolate.

Lucky you! I’m assigning you eating Dark Chocolate – not only because it’s such a huge attention-hogging Taste Sensation.

Dark Chocolate has been researched to reduce stress levels in the brain – and help you to feel more relaxed and focused.

Yep, dark chocolate helps boost…

  • serotonin
  • endorphin
  • dopamine

All of these are great hormones for the lowering stress levels and improving feelings of calm.

Don’t like chocolate?

You can substitute in a spoonful of honey!

How to do this Sensory Taste Meditation

(This is a great relaxation tool if you think you’re too busy to meditate!)

  1. Take a nice one inch chunk of dark chocolate.
  2. Allow it to melt in your mouth ….slowwwwlllly.
  3. Resist chewing – and really savor the flavor.
  4. Stop thinking about all the things wrong in your life – and remain focused only on all the things right about chocolate!
  5. For 2 minutes straight – simply focus on the flavor in your mouth in a “one-pointed meditation concentration.”
  6. Every time your mind wanders to a stray thought, bring your mind back to the taste sensation party going on in your mouth.

Important Reminder

Doing a Chocolate Sensory Meditation is all about savoring the flavor – not binge-eating – which is the opposite of a Meditation.

When you binge-eat you basically do NOT taste the food. You inhale it.

When you meditate, you are truly savoring the flavor of the chocolate in your mouth.

Oh – and one more obvious reminder! Be sure to only do this Chocolate Sensory Meditation once a day – not a 100 times a day!

Create a regular meditation practice

Got 2 minutes?

If you think you’re too busy to meditate, then you will love all the many fun and quick 2 minute meditations inside Instant Calm!

My book is great for beginners to meditation – as well as advanced meditators – because there’s something for everyone.

If you’re committed to living your happiest and most successful life, I encourage you to check out all the many meditations inside Instant Calm!

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