
Why you should not be afraid of change

afraid of change quote by Karen SalmansohnAre you afraid of change?

What if I told you that 10 years from now your life would be exactly the same?

Would you really be so happy to be frozen stuck in time?


Then why are you so afraid of change and growth?

This message in the quote poster above – about being afraid of change – went viral in social media!

Plus its insights inspired some lively conversation down below in the comments section.

I’d love to hear your insights in the comment section below!

What’s something which comes to your mind and heart when you read these words about being afraid of change? 

Many hundreds of thousands of peeps read my blog posts!

What you share below in the comments section could be a helpful inspiration for someone else!

Plus feel free to share this quote poster (about being afraid of change) with others in social media – and inspire them to embrace change! (Tag me on Instagram! I’m @notsalmon)

Are you afraid of change?

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  • stop your brain from overthinking at night – so you can sleep more easily
  • do a simple 3 minute morning practice can help you start your day feeling confident – instead of waking up with “Dread Head”
  • much more…

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