
7 Ways To Use Lasers To Improve Your Health And Appearance

Ways To Use Lasers To Improve Your Health And Appearance

I’m sharing about ways to use lasers to improve your health and appearance because I’m a bestselling wellness author and leading Behavioral Change Expert, and love to help people to live healthier lives.

Lasers used to be the stuff of sci-movies. Nowadays, they’re everywhere and they have an array of different uses from scanning barcodes to engraving metal. 

Lasers have become a particularly popular tool in the cosmetic and healthcare industry. By experimenting with different intensities of light, it has become possible to carry out all kinds of treatments from correcting people’s vision to zapping away unwanted hair. 

Just what are some of the most popular laser treatments? This post delves into 7 examples that you’re likely to find in a clinic near you.

Erase wrinkles

If you’re looking for an effective way to reduce wrinkles, a laser facelift could be the solution. Ablative lasers can be used to score away fine and moderate wrinkles. Non-ablative lasers can meanwhile be used to stimulate collagen growth in skin and treat more subtle wrinkles. 

Laser treatment cannot remove deep wrinkles (removing these wrinkles will typically involve going under the knife). However, it is generally considered to be more effective at reducing moderate wrinkles than treatments like chemical peels, while having longer lasting results than treatments like Botox and fillers. 

Improve your vision

One of the most well-known laser treatments is laser eye surgery or LASIK. This involves using a laser to reshape the cornea. Such a treatment can prevent people from having to wear glasses or contact lenses by restoring 20/20 vision. And it can have permanent results!

LASIK cannot fix all vision-related problems. In most cases, your prescription will need to have remained unchanged for at least two years to be considered for this treatment. If you’ve had corneal diseases or eye surgery, you may also not be able to undergo LASIK. Contrary to what some people think, both far-sightedness and near-sightedness can be treated using laser eye surgery. 

Whiten your teeth

To instantly brighten your teeth, you can also consider laser teeth whitening. This treatment works by painting a bleaching gel onto the teeth and then shining a laser onto the teeth to activate the gel. The whole procedure takes about an hour.

Laser teeth whitening is not a permanent procedure – its whitening effects last a few months to a few years, depending on how well you look after your teeth afterwards. If you have decay or other dental problems, you may not be eligible for this treatment. 

Undo tattoos

Got a tattoo that you regret? Another common cosmetic use for lasers is laser tattoo removal. This involves using a laser to break up ink particles in the skin.

Laser tattoo removal often has to be carried out over several sessions. As you are technically burning the skin, there could be hyperpigmentation left behind as a result of the treatment. But for some people, this may be preferable to an embarrassing tattoo. 

Shrink varicose veins

Varicose veins are enlarged visible veins under the skin that can be unsightly and sometimes painful. An effective way to get rid of varicose veins is to shrink them using laser treatment. This involves using thermal energy to close off the vein, cutting off blood flow to that vein and causing it to shrink. Blood is then redirected through other veins.

Most people with varicose veins are suitable candidates for this treatment. You cannot undergo this treatment if you are pregnant. 

Reduce moles and birthmarks

A laser can be used to remove all kinds of skin blemishes beyond wrinkles. This includes some moles and birthmarks. An ablative laser is generally used to reduce moles. Pulse dye lasers are meanwhile used to treat vascular birthmarks by shrinking blood vessels under the skin. 

Not all moles and birthmarks can be successfully removed with a laser. For example, cancerous moles need to be removed by other means. It is worth making an appointment at a clinic so that you can be assessed for this treatment. 

Remove hair

Finally, it’s possible to use laser treatment to remove hair. This involves using lasers to damage the hair follicles. Such a treatment can be carried out on single hairs or on large areas of hairy skin. 

Laser hair removal is not permanent – however it does have longer lasting results than any other hair removal including plucking and waxing. Some people may not even experience hair regrowth for years. This procedure was once recommended only to people with lighter skin and dark coarse hair due to it being easier for the laser to spot each hair – however advancements in technology have meant that people of all different skin colours and hair colours can now successfully get this treatment. 

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