
3 Most Popular Healthcare Roles

Most Popular Healthcare RolesWhile the overall healthcare outlook has been pessimistic over the last few years – with staff shortages and increased pressure on institutions being the main causes for concern – a substantial number of young people are considering having a role in healthcare. 

In the 2021-2022 application cycle, the AAMC – Association of American Medical Colleges – reported nearly an 18% increase in medical school applications compared to the previous year, and throughout the US, surveys of high school and college students has shown that healthcare is one of the top fields they consider for future careers.

With the growing rate of institutions using a healthcare recruiter and the ability – and efficiency – to find top talent improving, there are many reasons to be positive about the next ten years of healthcare. But with all this being said, what exactly are the roles that young people are looking at? 

The staffing shortage is an issue, after all, with specific roles that healthcare organisations are looking to fill quickly.

For young people considering a career in healthcare, what are the roles that are particularly popular, and will this work to negate the staffing crisis?

Here are the 3 most popular healthcare roles to consider exploring.

1. Nursing

The number one most popular role for new medical students is nursing. This is also one of the most versatile and in-demand professions, with registered nurses playing a critical role in paediatrics, oncology, and emergency care. The reason this might be particularly popular can perhaps be put down to the shorter educational pathway. 

To become a nurse, an individual can typically choose between an Associate Degree in Nursing – which takes around two years to complete – or a BSN, which takes around four years. In contrast, becoming a physician requires a much longer educational commitment, including a four year undergraduate degree, four years of medical school, and several years of residency training.

2. Physician

Despite the long educational pathway, however, the role of physicians remains a popular choice. Once again, this is important for the healthcare landscape as a whole, as physician shortages are only becoming greater – which, again, can be put down to the long route to qualification and the financial costs involved in medical school. 

The reason this might be a popular choice could be put down to the variety of specialties. For newcomers to healthcare, you have the ability to qualify in surgery, internal medicine, paediatrics – anything that specifically interests you can be the focus of your education.

3. Nurse Practitioner

The third most popular role is the role of nurse practitioner, which gives nurses more advanced training, allowing them to perform many of the same functions as physicians. 

This broader scope of practice – including diagnosing and interpreting diagnostic tests – can be particularly desirable, especially with the doorways it opens for continued qualification. As well as this, strong job stability and good salary prospects make it an attractive option, without the long and arduous journey that must be undertaken to become a fully qualified physician.

Recap: 3 Most Popular Healthcare Roles

These are the three most popular roles for students moving into the healthcare sphere, and each one of them are experiencing shortages around the US – with physicians, specifically, being a key area that recruiters are looking to fill. 

With this in mind, a positive light can certainly be put on the current healthcare crisis – that although the road ahead is tough, there are still plenty of prospective healthcare workers looking towards this industry as a realistic career path

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