Do you spend most of the hours working outdoors and are exposed to direct UV rays most of the time? If yes you are most likely to have Pterygium. Pterygium is a common eye problem that affects most of the people in Southern US, especially those living in Texas.
I’m sharing about why does Pterygium occur – and its symptoms and treatments – because I am bestselling wellness author.
I wrote a longevity book called Life is Long. Plus I founded a nutritionist recommended online program called The Stop Emotional Eating Course.
Pterygium is a benign mucous that grows from conjunctiva and covers a segment of the white portion of the eyes. It generally does not create any problem in the eyes but can interfere with the vision in the long run. Hence Pterygium removal becomes essential.
Why does Pterygium Occur?
There is no one particular reason for Pterygium to occur but doctors suggest it mostly happens when one spend long hours out in the sun. Harmful UV rays aggravates the condition and can lead to redness and irritation. Pollen, sand, smoke and wind also causes it. People mostly construction workers, farmers, fishers, players, and gardeners are more susceptible to this problem.
What are the symptoms of Pterygium?
Pterygium generally has no symptoms but in some cases it can lead to vision problem, irritation and redness. If it grows further and thicker you can have a sensation like foreign body growing in your eyes which can lead to constant itchiness. Sometimes wearing contact lenses can be impossible due to grown Pterygium.
When do you need a treatment?
Generally Pterygium does not need a treatment but if it grows excessively it can affect the cornea and damage it. If your eyes are constantly red, teary, itchy or you have blurred vision you would need a treatment. Mild treatment includes using eye drops but if the problem persists you might need to get it removed surgically.
How is Pterygium Diagnosed?
There are several ways to diagnose Pterygium. In most of the cases the mucous membrane can be seen growing and spreading in the eyes. Some other techniques include:
- Photo documentation: here through regular picture and comparison the examiner can depict if the membrane is growing and spreading or not.
- Corneal topography: through this mapping technique the examiner studies the corneal curvatures and identifies if the membrane is damading the cornea or not.
- Visual test: the examiner makes the patient read the letter chart to test the eyes and the progress of Pterygium.
Daily challenges of living with Pterygium
- Daily pain: with Pterygium you can have regular pains that can affect your daily life and work. It can leave you more irritated and frustrated than ever.
- Redness: Pterygium can lead to red and bloody eyes that can be scary to look at. The redness can also affect your vision and mental health.
- Eye infections: mucous membrane can invite various predators to live in your eyes which can lead to some serious infections. These infections can be more serious than the Pterygium itself.
- Dry eyes: Pterygium can lead to very dry eyes. For a temporary solution you can add eye drops and blink more often than ever but for a long term solution you will need to get it removed.
- Vision loss: Pterygium can lead to thinning, scarring or inflammation of cornea. Which can ultimately lead to vision loss.
- Irritation: last but not least Pterygium can lead to constant irritation in the eyes as some foreign object living there and you are unable to remove it.
What treatments are available to treat Pterygium?
- No treatment at all: if you are not struggling with daily challenges with Pterygium you dont need a treatment. A treatment only becomes necessary only if there is vision problem, irritation, redness, dryness, etc.
- Eye drops: if you have redness, irritation, and dryness you can use doctor’s prescribed eye drops to heal. If the problem continues its better to show a doctor.
- Antibiotics: if your eyes are constantly red and burning and the Pterygium has become infectious you need to take antibiotics. If the infection grows further you can go for the surgery.
- Surgery: surgery is the last resort to remove Pterygium. It might be the permanent solution and give you a long lasting relief for the constant pain and irritation.
Prevention of Pterygium
- Wear wide sunglasses that can stop UV lights from entering directly into your eyes.
- Do not work in very high temperatures.
- Splash cold water in your eyes regularly.
- Keep yourself hydrated.
- Take care of hand and eyes cleanliness and hygiene.
- Stay indoors during smoke, dust and wind.
- If your work environment is hazardous use proper safety measures.
- Use artificial tears when your eyes are dry.
What does Pterygium surgery entail?
The surgery entails removing the entire Pterygium membrane. Covering the operated part with healthy conjuctiva. This prevents the Pterygium from recurring. Applying amniotic membrane to help the operated area heal properly. Finally your doctor will give you some medicines to heal th area and prevent the membrane from growing back.
Pterygium is a benign condition which does not affect your vision. But if it grows and expands further you might need a surgical intervention. Whatever the condition be, show your eyes to your doctor today and take an early treatment to avoid future hassles.
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