
How To Use Remote Working As A Recruitment Tool

How To Use Remote Working As A Recruitment ToolRemote working has become more ever-present in the business world than ever before. Of course, it was somewhat escalated to the extreme during the pandemic but it has slowly been creeping into the modern-day of working.

Nowadays, you’ve got businesses that switched to hybrid working environments and other businesses that embraced a fully remote organization. You even see a lot of new businesses cropping up that solely exist remotely and have employees working in different places around the world.

How can you use remote working as a recruitment tool for your business? Here are some helpful tips to make the most out of remote working this year.

Understand what your candidate profile looks like

Firstly, before you send out your job descriptions, sit down and discuss what roles you need to fill and what the ideal candidate’s profile might look like. Of course, remote working does mean they have fewer face-to-face interactions with their colleagues but that doesn’t mean you can ignore their personality and how they fit into the dynamic of the company.

Make sure you’re clear on the brief when it comes to knowing what you want from the new role, outlining any soft or hard skills, qualifications and job experiences.

By knowing your candidate’s profile in advance, it makes writing up your job descriptions a lot easier and they’ll likely be a lot more on point when it comes to attracting the right people for the role. 

Use collaborative tools for effective recruitment procedures

Collaborative tools are definitely important to have and put in place when it comes to recruitment. This is particularly essential in relation to remote hiring because you probably don’t have the ability to sit down with the colleagues who’ll be responsible for recruiting, in person.

Instead, you need to rely on collaborative tools that keep your recruitment procedures all in one place, such as a candidate management system, so that you can monitor and assess the performance of candidates. Using something like Slack or Trello will be helpful for keeping everyone on the recruitment team in the loop on what’s going on. And when it comes to health support you might want to explore VMeDx .

If you’re looking to offer remote working, then collaborative tools are going to be a must-have as an investment.

Opt for a variety of tests online and offline

To help test your candidates accurately, it’s important to opt for a variety of tests online and offline. These tests are going to be useful to assess the skills, experience and knowledge of your candidates. 

Incorporating a range of tests is going to accurately determine which candidates are the right fit for the job. It’s also going to filter out the truth-tellers when it comes to their resumes to those who’ve likely expanded upon the truth when it comes to their experience and skill set.

These tests will be a reliable indicator which you certainly want to be proactive about conducting.

Conduct at least one video interview

Whether you’re hiring a remote administrative assistant or a remote social media manager, it’s important to conduct video interviews. After all, other than correspondence over email or the phone, you have no idea who this person looks like. Not that looks matter of course, but it’s always useful to put a face to a name.

Video interviewing is often the most popular of formats to interview remote workers unless that is, you can make an in-person interview happen. That might be unlikely though, especially if they’re located in another country.

Use platforms like Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams, to conduct these video interviews as these tend to be the most universally used.

Have a job trial period – paid of course!

Finally, when it comes to any sort of job, it’s worth considering whether a job trial period is needed. For some roles, this might not be necessary. However, if the candidate is stepping into a role that might prove challenging, it’s definitely worth assessing them over a paid trial period. 

Not offering any payment for this trial period is likely going to prevent a lot of people nowadays from accepting the job in the first place. It’s important to also consider whether it’s something that’s really needed because a job trial period that’s not the usual three-month probationary period, might not be something most will opt in for.

If you’re looking to take advantage of remote working this year, then it’s definitely worth putting all the procedures and protocols in place to make it successful. Use these tips to make the most out of the recruitment and to gain employees that will only help elevate your remote business.

Want support to help you improve how you use remote working as a recruitment tool? Learn more about my private one-on-one sessions here.

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