
Getting Over Heartbreak: Have You Tried These 5 Strategies?

Getting Over Heartbreak: Have You Tried These 5 Strategies?I am here to share a few helpful strategies for getting over heartbreak so you move on stronger, wiser and aimed towards a happier future.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to processing heartbreak and eventually leaving it behind. We’re all different, complex creatures with unique struggles and experiences.

But this doesn’t mean that there are no strategies that work – and can make moving on easier. And so I am here to share a few helpful strategies to get over heartbreak.

I’m writing this article because I am a bestselling relationship author with about 2 million books sold globally.

Plus I also founded the therapist recommended self-paced courses Secrets of Happy Couples and Broken Heart Recovery.

I love sharing tools to help people heal and move on from even the most tough break ups.

So I’m here today to share some helpful strategies to heal from heartbreak.

5 Strategies For Getting Over Heartbreak

If you’re getting over a break up or divorce, you will appreciate these strategies to heal your broken heart.

1. Consulting a Psychic Hotline for an Alternative Perspective on Healing and Moving Forward

This one’s definitely unconventional, but please don’t rule it out until you’ve tried. Spirituality is a fantastic tool for healing, so psychic help might be exactly what you need to get over heartbreak and move forward. Psychics can teach you how to open yourself up to the world again and embrace what life has to offer.

Besides, all psychic advisors are empathetic listeners first. Even if you’re skeptical about stuff like astrology or Tarot readings, they can still help you. A psychic can be a shoulder to cry on, a friendly stranger to share your darkest secrets with, a source of unbiased opinion, or anything else you want them to be.

That’s why consulting a psychic hotline or online chat with a spiritual advisor is the first strategy on this list. Psychics know how to expand our horizons and show us that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a chance to explore what else is out there and, hopefully, find the peace of mind you’re craving. And even if it doesn’t work, there’s no harm in trying, right?

2. Practicing Self-Compassion and Mindfulness

Now, back to the more traditional approaches to healing and rediscovering your lost joy—self-compassion and mindfulness. Both are powerful tools for finding harmony and learning how to live here and now instead of dwelling on the past. Millions of people who’ve struggled with heartbreak admit that self-compassion and mindfulness techniques are the best strategies for moving on.

Let’s talk about each of them in more detail.


Self-compassion is mainly about letting yourself feel exactly what you’re feeling without forcing yourself to “toughen up.” Its core elements are self-kindness (be gentle with yourself and avoid the fruitless chaise of perfection), rejecting isolation (think of yourself as part of humanity instead of a lone island), and, you guessed it—mindfulness.

Practicing self-compassion means working through our feelings of inadequacy and letting ourselves just be, whatever that entails. A cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) session or, if you want something rooted in spirituality, an email psychic reading can help you embrace this way of thinking. Give it a try—you’ll see how instrumental a healthy relationship with oneself is to healing.


In turn, mindfulness is about learning to be present, listening to what one’s body and mind are saying right now, and letting oneself breathe (both literally and metaphorically). People going through heartbreak often report feeling overwhelmed and stuck in their heads. Basic mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and accepting one’s thoughts and feelings, help overcome this loop.

3. Seeking Support From a Trusted Network of Friends and Family

The third strategy that makes moving on that much easier is obviously support from our loved ones. They are the people who know and appreciate us just the way we are, flaws and all. And contrary to what your inner critic might be telling you, our family and friends don’t judge. Sure, they might be concerned and try to help a bit too persistently, but please don’t confuse genuine love with pressure.

The reason why there’s even the need to include friends and family in this list of healing strategies is that it’s all too common for people going through heartbreak to self-isolate. Some are uncomfortable asking for help; others don’t want to “burden” their loved ones with their emotional pain. But the truth is, people who love you want to be there for you and be helpful. So please don’t neglect your support system, even more so in times of hardship.

4. Engaging in Activities That Promote Self-Care and Well-Being

This one might sound silly, but don’t underestimate the importance of small pleasures when trying to get over heartbreak. A long morning run, taking care of plants, cooking, listening to podcasts—whatever it is that brings you joy, do it. But do your best to limit your screen time—mindlessly binge-watching Netflix shows or spending hours on social media isn’t really self-care.

If you don’t have any specific hobbies and struggle to decide what self-care might look like for you, here are a few great options:

  • Yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation go hand-in-hand with mindfulness. Add the endorphins your body releases when you move it, and you’ll get a perfect self-care cocktail.
  • Exercising, especially outside. No need to do anything overly strenuous, especially if you aren’t big on sports. A 30-minute walk with your dog or your favorite self-help podcast will do the trick. 
  • Hiking. Nothing works better than light exercise with the added bonus of views and oxygen.
  • Drawing or coloring in. Drawing, painting, and coloring in are all fantastic ways to turn off your brain for a moment and relax.

5. Writing to Process Emotions and Gain Perspective

Finally, when you feel ready to put your pain into words, work it through, and ultimately leave it behind, pick up writing. You can start a blog if you want to share your experience with others and build a community or simply journal if you prefer to process your feelings in solitude.

Writing is so helpful in times of emotional hardship because it helps you look at what you’re feeling from the outside and gain perspective. You might notice unkind self-thoughts and self-destructive patterns you didn’t realize you had. Or you might even feel like putting things on paper equals taking the weight off your tired shoulders.

Summary on Getting Over Heartbreak

Getting over heartbreak is hard, but you can do it. One day in the future, probably sooner than you think, you’ll laugh again and think of what’s causing you such intense pain now without feeling like your heart is shattering into a million pieces. Just remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself time to heal. Don’t force things.

Get More Support To Heal Heartbreak

Work with me 1-on-1 as your Master Mindset Coach. Or explore my therapist recommended online course called Broken Heart Recovery.

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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