
Tooth Nerve Pain: Causes And Treatments

Tooth nerve pain – causes, treatments with and without nerve removalTooth pain can be excruciating, significantly impacting one’s quality of life. And it often happens due to inflammation of the tooth nerve or pulp, which is a bundle of nerves and blood vessels that supply the tooth and are responsible for sensitivity. It comprises of blood vessels, nerve fibers, and connective tissue, located in the crown and root canals.

I’m aware of these things because As you might know I’m a bestselling wellness author. I love sharing strategies to help people to live their healthiest lives.

With this in mind, if you’re experiencing any tooth pain, it’s essential to seek dental advice promptly. Waiting for the pain to intensify is not recommended. An oral examination and diagnosis will help the dentist determine if the pulp is inflamed.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the dentist will recommend endodontic treatment, also known as root canal treatment, to remove the inflamed tissue and preserve the tooth.

Let’s take a look at the primary causes of tooth nerve pain and how to treat root canals and prevent pulp inflammation.

Why does the nerve hurt?

Pulpitis is an inflammatory disease of the root canal pulp that can occur due to various reasons:

  • Infection: Pathogenic bacteria enter the pulp through a carious cavity. If superficial caries is left untreated, it can penetrate deeper. The inflammatory process can also spread from the roots of neighboring teeth or from periodontal disease through a periodontal pocket.
  • Trauma: A tooth unit can be damaged as a result of a blow or fall, leading to cracks or chips. The nerve bundle can also be affected and become inflamed.
  • Malocclusion: Several teeth are continually overloaded due to improper jaw closure, resulting in enamel cracks where bacteria can penetrate. Bacteria can also reach the tooth nerve. This also applies to a filling that is slightly higher than other tooth units.

Tooth nerve pain – causes, treatments with and without nerve removal

Methods of treatment in dentistry

The infection of the neurovascular bundle is treated in two ways:

1. Treatment without removing the tooth nerve

This method is used at the initial stage of the disease, when the inflammatory process has only affected the upper part of the pulp – the coronal part.

The dentist removes the superficial caries, cleans the cavity, and treats it with an antiseptic. They place a healing dressing on the exposed pulp and install a filling.

The advantage of this method is that the tooth remains alive, fully nourished, and functional.

2. Treatment with removal of the tooth nerve

This method is used for an advanced stage of the disease when the entire pulp is inflamed. It cannot be saved.

The endodontist performs local anesthesia, opens the tooth, removes the pulp, thoroughly cleans the canals of infected tissue, and treats it with an antiseptic. The endodontic treatment is carried out under a microscope, which allows the sealing of the canals throughout their length. This helps prevent the development of a recurrent inflammation.

The advantage of this method is that the inflammatory process is completely eliminated, and the tooth continues to serve. However, without the nerve, it remains without nourishment and is more prone to decay. It is necessary to install a ceramic inlay or crown to strengthen the tooth and not have to lose it.

Preventing Problems with Your Tooth Nerve

  • Treat tooth decay promptly at the dentist before it penetrates deeper. Come for preventive checkups and professional cleaning of the oral cavity.
  • Maintain satisfactory oral hygiene. Regular tooth brushing and use of dental floss prevent the development of tooth decay, which can lead to nerve damage.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition and the absence of harmful habits strengthen immunity and prevent the development of dental diseases.
  • Keep chronic illnesses under control. In the acute phase, they can worsen the condition of the teeth.
  • Use enamel-strengthening rinses. Use toothpastes that contain calcium, fluoride.
  • Avoid trauma. Wear protective caps if engaging in contact sports.
  • Correct malocclusion. Aligning your teeth and relieving them of overload will prevent them from being damaged. The nerve and vascular bundle will serve properly without interference.

Suffering from a toothache? Run to the dentist. But preventing tooth problems is easier than treating them. Regular oral care and timely visits to the dentist will help maintain the health of your teeth for many years to come!

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