
Reasons to Avoid Restrictive Diet Plans and Try Mindful Eating

Reasons to Avoid Restrictive Diet Plans and Try Mindful EatingHere are the reasons to avoid restrictive diet plans and instead try mindful eating. 

Restrictive diet plans – we have all fallen for the false hope these quick crash diets have given. And, if you are someone who has also followed a fad diet, you might know the disappointment it comes with.

Their results usually last for a short time, and you gain the lost weight back within a few months.  Why? Mostly because 97% of the reasons people overeat are due to various emotional triggers, as explained in the nutritionist recommended online program: The Stop Emotional Eating Course!

Moreover, if you don’t follow a restrictive diet accurately, you won’t even lose weight from the beginning and you’ll invite disappointment.

Why does Restrictive Dieting not Work?

Quick fixes and restrictive diets that work on the food restriction method are not only outdated but also harmful to your overall physical and mental health.

Here are 5 reasons why we need avoid a restrictive diet:

1. They are not sustainable in the long run

Restrictive diets fail to survive the long race and don’t lead to results that can last long term. You cannot maintain the results for long and eventually fail to catch up with the diet after a certain point. Unless you are looking for diet plans that help you lose weight within a short period and then gain it again, there’s no other reason to follow them.

2. You are left with nutrient deficiency

Food restriction leads to a deficiency of necessary nutrients. Your body needs protein in the diet to function properly. It’s why I love to order seafood online. And, you invite problems related to nutrient deficiency if you don’t embrace a balanced diet.

Another thing to keep in mind…

Experts recommend eating within two hours of a workout. Why? Because your body’s ability to refill the muscle stores decreases by 50% if you don’t eat immediately after a workout.

But a restrictive diet will limit you from eating post a great training session, and you’ll not get the required nutrients.

3. There are negative long-term effects on your health

eating healthy crappyIf you don’t let your body absorb the necessary nutrients needed for its development, you aren’t going to see any positive results. Rather, you’ll find yourself struggling with several side effects that leave a negative print on your health in the long term.

For example, some food products, like carbs, dairy, and fats, are off-limits in certain diets.

But your body needs carbs for energy, milk for nutrition, and good fat for absorbing vitamins. Insufficiency of these elements lead to a damaged metabolism and hormonal imbalance, leading to a life filled with health problems.

4. It can be expensive to maintain

Apart from being restrictive, these diets also create a hole in your pocket as some may require you to buy costly diet pills! Most people fall for the myth that says healthy eating drains your wallet. But that’s not true. In fact, a study published in the BMC Public Health journal revealed that cutting calories from your daily intake was more cost-effective than restricted food diets.

5. They pose food as a threatening weapon

restrictive diet mindful eatingOne thing the fad diet culture has specialized in is demonizing food. Making food look like your enemy takes the fun out of it, pushing you towards eating disorders.

It’s unhealthy to worry about the weight scale and count calories constantly. So, instead of banning foods, eat what you wish to in moderation. Don’t use exercises as punishment. Rather, work out to get stronger!

So, if not a Fad Diet or Restrictive Diet, What Else will Work?

It’s never a good idea to entirely cut off whole food groups. Not only does it create an imbalance in your body, but it also deteriorates your relationship with food. It leaves you feeling guilty for something as silly as eating your favorite chocolate once in a while.

Over time, you’ll feel burdened to follow the regime, which could stress you out. So, instead of following a diet that scares you away from food, adopt healthy eating that draws you towards it while making you healthy.

5 Tips for Healthier Mindful Eating

1. Eat smaller portions of the right things

Eating the right things in the right amount at regular intervals is the key to losing weight in a balanced and healthy manner. Begin your day with a protein, fat, and fibre-rich breakfast to boost your concentration and energy.

When your body meets its daily nutritional value, your craving to binge eat reduces. Avoid overeating by adding more proteins and fibre. Adding khapli emmer wheat to your diet can help you reach your daily fibre intake.

2. Fill your plate with colors

Healthy meals don’t have to taste and look bland. Adding colours to it through vegetables like beetroot, sweet corn, carrots, peppers, and spinach can make your plate look appealing and also fulfil your daily nutritional intake value.

3. Practice right snacking

If you feel the need to snack in between your meals, it’s always wiser to opt for healthier options. For example, when craving sweets, eat dates and jaggery instead of grabbing a chocolate bar. Dates are high in fibre to support brain health, and jaggery is rich in plant-based iron, reducing your risk of anaemia.

4. Prepare your own meals

Practice preparing your own meals, as it allows you to control the ingredients and portions. You even get to save yourself from the heavily loaded sugar, salt, and unhealthy ingredients restaurants and fast-food chains include in their food. Moreover, imagine the money you save!

5. Lastly, Enjoy What You Eat!

There’s no point in eating what you don’t enjoy; after all, we only have one life to live! So, it’s better to create a balance that ensures you gain nutrition while letting you enjoy the food you love. Try to find healthier alternatives to your favourite restaurant orders whenever possible. Eat smaller portions frequently, stay hydrated, and take enough rest!

Author Bio: Kunal Tambe is part of the content marketing team at Two Brothers Organic Farms. With his team, he works tirelessly to create awareness about organic farming, food sovereignty, sustainable practices, nutrition, climate change and a myriad of issues that surround these topics. His content offers value to farmers, the agriculture industry and to end consumers. Besides writing and developing content strategies, he loves adventure sports and listening to classical music.

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