
10 Fun Hobbies for Modern Moms: Keeping Up With Trends

Modern Moms Keeping Up With Trends: Cryptocurrency and More As a mom, I love to find new hobbies to enjoy and this means keeping up with all the latest trends – ranging from pop culture, social causes, and even mental health issues. 

With this in mind, I pulled together this quick article with a guide to 10 fun hobbies and trends for modern moms!

I’m sharing this article because I’m a bestselling personal development author.

I love sharing tips for about how to be your happiest and most successful self.

I know as a mom, I’m often very busy trying to juggle a lot of things. And I value doing my best to keep up with what is happening in today’s world.

So I put together this quick guide on fun hobbies and modern mom trends. I hope you enjoy these ideas!

Popular Trends Modern Moms Should Know About

Here are a variety of trends and current happenings that are very much fun for modern moms,

1. Sustainability Is A Necessity

You might have set rules such as “recycling, reusing, and reducing,” which are at the forefront of establishing sustainability. This generation has been setting a good example for Mother Nature.

Your knowledge in prioritizing sustainability must be credited to today’s younger generation. Make yourself a proud earth-warrior and modern mom by supporting this cause.

2. Y2K Fashion Aesthetics 

Who knew the latest fashion trends would be the same style in ’90s streetwear and pop icons? Denim, Acid Wash, and bedazzled logos are all the rage in today’s outfits.

The Y2K image of comfort and functionality, such as the sweatpants making a comeback and even the wide-leg pants, resonates with your inner childhood before being a full-pledged mom.

3. Setting Up A Community Drive or Neighborhood Cause

Modern moms need help from fellow modern moms as well. These days, setting up a community pantry is a trending and social awareness-centered initiative beneficial to all.

This is a good thing for you and your everyday living budget needs as you can get food items from the drive in your community and exchange them with other food items for those in need.

4. Korean Fandom and Pop Culture

There’s a trend for Korean sensations in today’s media and music trends. Korean Fandom has been making waves in today’s scene from skincare, fans of k-pop idols, and even street style fashion.

A modern mom like you can pick up on Korean facial care regimes and products to ensure youthful skin and healthy glow trends that can make you feel more vibrant.

5. Mukhbang Sessions

It is a great activity for you and your group to taste and eat a lot of food. Here is a session where everyone can eat hefty dishes and not feel guilty, as no judgments are brought here.

Online trends flood with these content and videos, and people worldwide enjoy them. You can also create a video and spread it online for fun. 

6. Bitcoins/Cryptocurrency

Your bitcoins have a wide variety of uses and have great value in today’s generation and market share. Like modern moms everywhere, you should learn how they can be capitalized on more.

You might be skeptical at first, and this is understandable. 

Here are some reminders for you to make sure that your cryptocurrency is legit and will keep you and your fellow “modern mom” community safe and create a life-long investment that can grow in the future:

  • Be careful with fake websites
  • Avoid Phishing scams
  • Do not trust Giveaway scams and Celebrity endorsement scams
  • Excessive marketing is not a good sign
  • Giving free money for joining is misleading

7. Experiencing Burnout and Quiet Quitting

These days, a more serious turn of events in the trending scene is “burnouts” and quiet quitting. As modern moms, you are not an exception to this, as being overwhelmed and tired is normal.

In trying to be a good mom, you have a lot of standards to reach in today’s society and the world. However, this is overwhelming and impossible to do, thus resulting in these.


Modern moms need to be in the loop with other trends and social happenings in this generation to become aware of how they can adapt to today’s living standards.

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