
Neglecting Your Mental Health 5 Reasons Take Better Care of Yourself

Neglecting Your Mental Health 5 Reasons Why You Should Stop Immediately!If you have been neglecting your mental health, there’s really not a good reason for it. You need to take better care of yourself. 

Right now you might be telling yourself that you have reasons for not seeking treatment for mental illnesses.

For example: poverty, stigma, and embarrassment.

Or you might have given up hope of finding the proper treatment because you fear the side effects of the medications.

But you should know this now: Mental illnesses are exceptionally socially isolating.

The lack of appropriate treatment can lead to more severe health problems. 

Yes, coping with your thoughts and feelings isn’t easy.  But you need to take time to better care take your mental health.

As you might know, I am a bestselling wellness author with about 2 million books sold globally.

Plus I founded a groundbreaking video course called The Anxiety Cure.

I love sharing insights and strategies to help people to be healthier, happier and calmer – like exploring meditation, NLP, CBT and CBD oil.

Coming up I will be sharing in greater detail how to take care of your mental health.

5 Reasons Not to Neglect Your Mental Health

1. Treatment options

Treatment options for mental health are numerous and will vary depending on the condition. Psychotherapy is a common choice involving exploring your thoughts, feelings, and behavior to find ways to cope with them. While no single treatment will work for every person, a combination of psychotherapy and medication is often the most successful method of promoting recovery. Medicine does not cure a mental illness but can help control symptoms and help you cope with life’s stresses.

Another method of treatment involves using…

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This therapy helps people identify and change harmful thinking and behavior patterns. It helps patients learn how to manage their emotions in healthy ways and improve their relationships. This therapy can treat depression. Dialectical behavior therapy treats people with chronic suicidal thoughts. Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to help patients learn new skills to prevent or change the negative thinking and behaviors causing them suffering.

In addition to psychosocial services, evidence-based treatments for mental illness are available. The right mix of these options will depend on the individual’s diagnosis and the nature of their disease. Different treatments and services are effective for other patients but should always be specific to the individual’s needs and goals. Psychiatrists can diagnose and treat mental illnesses. They can also provide medications and other treatments to help improve symptoms.

Side effects of medications

Using medication to treat a mental illness comes with risks. Some people report side effects, while others do not. Often, the side effects are mild or temporary, and not everyone experiences them. Lifestyle changes can also cause side effects of psychiatric medications. Side effects of antipsychotic drugs can also cause unpleasant side effects. To prevent side effects, take your medicines at the right time. Follow your doctor’s instructions for dosage and take it at the recommended time.

While pharmaceutical drugs often have dangerous side effects and are also addictive, CBD could offer a natural alternative for many people. First, you should start by taking a small amount of CBD. This method will help you determine how much you need and whether you should increase the dosage. Most experts recommend taking one milligram of CBD per twenty pounds of body weight, meaning a 100-pound person should start with five milligrams of CBD. It is essential to understand that this amount may be high enough for your body, and it’s perfectly normal to experience a reaction at a lower amount.

2. Genetic factors

Many people have pre-existing conditions not only physically but emotionally. Since the Human Genome Project began mapping human DNA, the implications for psychiatric diagnosis and treatment have multiplied. These findings have spawned a new discipline known as biological psychiatry, also known as psychiatric genetics. Although the field originated in the late 1980s, the complexity of genetic factors has often made genetic studies difficult.

The emergence of mental disorders leads back to genetic variations in multiple genes. While this increases the risk of developing a mental disease, it is not a guarantee. Genetic differences may cause different illnesses in individuals, including bipolar disorder.

In rare cases, a single gene can trigger the development of mental illness. Plus sometimes genetic factors may combine with other factors, such as childhood abuse or traumatic events.

In addition to genetic factors, the environment can lead to various forms of mental health. Many environmental exposures also lead to the development of mental disorders. This factor is vital for understanding the interplay between genes and the environment in many mental disorders, as genetic and environmental factors share some characteristics. For instance, schizophrenia and major depressive disorder have close links, and so does bipolar disorder. Therefore please do not ignore any symptoms if there is a history of such illness in your family.

3. Stress hormones

Your body generates stress hormones to protect itself. High levels of these hormones can damage your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition to interfering with learning and memory, stress can lead to high blood pressure and weight gain. Likewise, chronic stress can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. And these adverse effects can start early on, as they begin at an early age.

While stress is a natural physiological reaction to pressures and danger, the consequences of excessive levels can have serious consequences. Prolonged stress can affect your mood, quality of life, productivity, relationships, and health. Fortunately, the good side to stress is that it helps us overcome obstacles. In addition to affecting your health, it also increases your depression and substance abuse risk. Therefore, stress can be beneficial in short-term situations but can lead to more severe problems later.

High-stress hormones suppress your immune system, affecting the ability to fight off infection and heal wounds. When the stress hormones chronically elevate, the immune system weakens, which makes you more vulnerable to viral infections and the common cold. Even worse, chronic stress can cause you to take longer to recover from an illness. So, do not ignore these hormonal changes.

4. Early detection

While many believe that early detection of mental health issues is impossible, there are many ways to spot a problem early and make necessary treatment changes. Among these methods are medication and psychotherapy. It is essential to understand that mental illnesses can affect people of any age, race, religion, or income. No need to blame poor upbringing or personal weakness – mental illness is unrelated to intelligence or willpower. Fortunately, treatment is possible; in most cases, sufferers experience relief of symptoms.

Many mental health problems first show their symptoms during childhood. In fact, for most children, a reliable diagnosis can be made by school age. Early diagnosis is key to preventing further deterioration. Additionally, early detection can identify ideal time points for intervention.

5. Costs

Mental ill-health is a global issue, but the cost of mental ill-health remains unquantifiable mainly. Neglecting mental health care imposes enormous costs on individuals, society, health systems, and economies. Yet mental ill-health remains a neglected area of health policy in many countries. Untreated mental illness costs billions annually, which adds to the cost of ineffective treatment of physical ailments. Mental illness also damages the economy due to lost productivity. Despite the costs of untreated mental illness, the positive effects outweigh the costs. In addition to monetary costs, insurance discrimination significantly contributes to suicide.

Conclusion on Neglecting Your Mental Health

Untreated mental health conditions often lead to severe consequences, including substance abuse, homelessness, and inappropriate incarceration. Similarly, chronic stress caused by mental health problems can adversely affect physical health. Chronic stress from mental illness can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. This factor is a reason why we should never neglect mental health.

Get More Support For Your Mental Health

Explore my therapist recommended online courseL The Anxiety Cure.

P.S. Before you wander off to whatever’s next, here are 2 things that will help you get more out of this wild ride called life:

1. Explore My Book: "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." It's just the tool you need to pry more joy, love, meaning and fulfillment out of your life. Curious? Learn more and snag a copy here.

2. Life Review Therapy - This is a coaching session where we get real about where you are, where you want to be, and why you haven’t gotten there yet. We’ll dig deep into what’s working, what’s holding you back, and how to create more joy, love and fulfillment moving forward. If you’re ready for actionable steps and real results, book a free consult call here.

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