
Students, Academic Pressure and Eating Disorders

student eating disorder

Many students wind up feeling so much academic pressure they develop eating disorders. Here’s what to do to help.

Note: This a guest essay by Jeremy Reynolds. I’m sharing because I’m someone who’s recovered from emotional eating and want to do everything I can to help others.

In times of high stress and pressure, most students burn out. Unfortunately, exam time can only bring about unexpected illness and a low drive for work. When all tasks pile up on your desk, the last thing you want to do is eat healthy, exercise, and ensure that your sleep is on point. However, you should be aware that a lack of the above factors can contribute to lower motivation, lower grades and therefore, lower chances of success.

You cannot let your health decide your academic life or the other way around. You’ve got to make sure that you stay on top of your work and keep yourself together at all times. Let’s see how.

How To Stay Healthy As a Student Under Pressure

Research shows that the healthier students are, the better their brains function. That means that taking care of your body and mind can only bring about positive academic rewards. What you consume each day becomes part of what you are. What you think about daily becomes part of your routine; and what you do shows what you are capable of sustaining. As a student, you must ensure that you can live under pressure and stay on top of your work. While this is not easy, here are some tips that might save the day for you.

Choose your favorite study place

Make sure that you are studying in a quiet place where you can focus. Natural light would be great to have, and a yoga mat could always be handy. Design a working space and a relaxing space. Use the first one to study, use the second one to unwind. Burning out is not an option. Stretching or meditating for 10-15 minutes could be a great way to loosen up.

Make sure you eat mindfully

Don’t forget the importance of food in your life! What you eat becomes what you are, so make sure that you’re choosing wisely when it comes to food. Students who make poor meal decisions can end up exhausted and unable to focus on the work at hand. Eating mindfully means choosing a high-nutritious meal instead of a pre-packed one but it also means focusing on each bite you are taking. Consume as much fresh produce as you can but don’t forget to enjoy every single bite mindfully.

Read more about eating disorders

Eating disorders are quite dangerous and experiencing them is really heavy. An eating disorder can manifest as a reaction to stress; it could your body’s way of saying ‘no more.’

An eating disorder is, in fact, a well-researched condition that can affect your emotions and other life choices. When you are eating recklessly during exams, you might not realize how much your lifestyle affects your body and mood. By the end of your exam session, you might be experiencing dangerous eating behaviors. You might be eating too much to not enough because of the exam stress.

If that happens, reading as many eating disorder essays and research papers as you can is a great idea. The more you read about these conditions, the less they can affect you. However, you should be aware that stress can cause disruptive eating behaviors. Being aware of what can happen is important, so don’t hesitate to do that.

Say no to activities that might pressure you

Make sure that late-night activities are postponed, even if they seem fun to do. Say no to hanging out and say yes to studying for now – you really don’t want to add more stress on top of your stress. This is another way in which eating disorders can pop up.

Get good sleep

Getting good sleep is another important factor in staying healthy. If you cannot sleep at night, you should be working on this problem. The first issue could be the stress caused by your academic life. If this is the problem, then undergoing some medical investigations to find the best sleeping methods for you is a must.

What You Should Avoid While Studying For Your Exams

The above tips are important as respecting them can keep you healthy and going. Avoiding the next things could do the same.

  • Let go of social media – use it after you pass your exams.
  • Do not overload yourself with information – too much is always damaging.
  • Make sure you’ve got your student debt covered – this can be stressful and annoying; avoid thinking about it now.
  • Don’t worry about testing – you’ll pass. Panic before the exam doesn’t help.
  • Leave partying for after the exams – don’t start earlier than you should.

Wrapping Up Students and Eating Disorders

Taking care of yourself and your body is extremely important, especially in these critical moments. Make sure that you eat well and rest well and ensure that you avoid what is damaging to you. Stay on top of your work by loving yourself, prioritizing, and understanding what truly matters in the end – your grades matter, but your health should always be your priority.

Author Bio: Jeremy Reynolds is a blogger and author. He works for the best writing essay service in the area and helps students succeed academically. In his free time, Jeremy goes canoeing and practices Tai Chi.

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