If you’re busy managing your skin conditions, you should know that they are more than just a cosmetic problem.
In many instances, skin issues can be caused by an underlying health condition – that perhaps wasn’t yet discovered.
While it may be a physical problem, it can also affect others emotionally and mentally. When your skin is one of the very first things that people see about you, it’s just but fitting for you to pay close attention as to how you can put it in a better state.
As you might know, I’m a health and wellness expert. In my bestselling longevity book, Life is Long, I share many research-based secrets to living healthier, longer, younger.
In this particular article I will be sharing insights on how to protect your health by managing your skin conditions – from both the inside and outside.
If you’re one of the millions of people worldwide who suffer from acne, eczema, or any other skin condition, then you know how difficult it can be to keep your skin clear and free of blemishes.
Some skin conditions like these can be controlled when you do some simple steps on your own.
However, if your skin is really bad and you want to get rid of it for good, then you may want to try a more comprehensive approach to manage your skin conditions.
This article will provide you with the information you need to get started on the right path toward having clear and healthy-looking skin once again.
A good first step to take when managing a skin condition is to make sure that you take a good multi-vitamin. It’s like nourishing your body – overall – with all of the nutrients that it needs. For example, Vitamin B Complex is essential for skin health. Try to find a product that combines it with another vitamin or nutrient that ensures proper and complete skincare.
Vitamin C is good for fighting the bacteria that cause pimples. Because it strengthens your immune system, this means that you’re now less susceptible to the harmful bacteria surrounding you. Acne breeds on the growth of bacteria trapped in your skin, so if you don’t have these bacteria, then you’ve got little to no chance of developing acne.
Having the right vitamins and minerals is more beneficial for you especially if you also have a health problem on top of the skin issue that you have. Learn more information about the different skin problem and how to manage them to make sure that what take in your body is beneficial and helpful for you and your skin.
Another helpful piece of information that you’ll want to be aware of is that the sun can cause harm to your skin. Even your lights at home have UV that can hurt your skin. Often times we overlooked this matter, but too much exposure can lead to scarring or permanent skin damage which can only make things worse.
To help avoid this, you can wear sunscreen every day even if you aren’t going out into the sun. When it comes to managing your skin condition, there are good skin care tip that you can do and follow to make sure that you won’t make things worse for your skin.
This third tip for managing your skin problem is highly personal. Even if you may have the same skin condition as another person’s, this doesn’t mean you can automatically follow their chosen treatment. Each individual has their respective triggers, so you’ve got to find yours. That way, you’re able to address the problem from its root.
A good skin doctor can help you along this line. They help you find the cause or what triggers your skin. Typically, these are the common triggers for many skin problems:
Remember that although there are many medications available, they can sometimes be harsh on your skin. You should find a natural treatment option that you can trust to get rid of your problem. You should keep it soft and supple.
For example, opt for an organic chia seed facial oil instead of a chemical-laden antioxidant serum or moisturizer. Chia seed is a natural ingredient that’s packed with antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that nourish and hydrate the skin.
Rather than go for a trial-and-error method with chemically-laden skincare products, give natural products a try instead. This is the safest route to go for, especially when you know that your skin is already sensitive. There are certain chemicals in some products that may only make matters worse for you.
It should be noted that natural products help your skin to keep its microbiome balanced and mostly don’t cause any harm to your skin. By using natural-based products you will keep your skin away from rashes caused by chemical skincare products. Natural-based cleansers and soaps which contain components such as avocado, coconut, or goat milk help you to not only clean skin but also keep it hydrated. Avocado-based cleansers will moisturize your skin and natural goat milk soaps will help you to nourish your skin.
The advantage of natural products is that they generally have very little to no side effects at all. You don’t have to worry about flare-ups or making your skin problem more severe.
If you haven’t started with a skincare routine yet, then now is a good time for you to have one. Rather than choosing the products by yourself, it’s best for you to consult a skin doctor. A proper evaluation can be given regarding the overall state and type of your skin. Hence, you can be given the appropriate kinds of products that you need.
The most basic skincare tip for you to follow is always to keep your skin clean at all times. Use gentle cleansers and moisturizers. Don’t skip your showers, as you also have to hydrate your skin. Especially when you’ve been out working, you’ll need to free your skin of whatever dust, dirt and grime that may have settled. Don’t wear makeup when you’re just at home. Give your skin a chance to breathe. And I definitely recommend a Habitual Beauty sleep mask to nourish your skin at night.
Managing a skin condition doesn’t have to be hard, but it does require some time and effort on your part. For some skin problems, simple changes to your diet and lifestyle may not be enough. In this case, it’s important to seek the advice of a medical practitioner. Your skin doctor can determine the root cause of your skin condition, which may be something that is as simple as a lack of vitamins. As you concern yourself with your overall health, don’t leave your skin behind. Give it time to breathe by giving it proper care.