It’s important we learn from the past – but don’t stay living there! Here are 12 letting go of the past quotes to help you move on.
You can’t fully enjoy life when you’re stuck thinking about regrets.
It’s time to stop replaying the “what if’s” of how you wish things might have gone.
I’m here to motivate you to finally let go of the past and start to live fully in the present.
12 Letting Go Of The Past Quotes
1. There will come a time the past makes sense…
There will come a time when all the things which are troubling you won’t hurt so deeply. They will become stories of growth and pride. – Karen Salmansohn
2. Guard your inner goodness
Don’t let a bad person change your inner goodness. Our world needs more good people like you. – Karen Salmansohn
- Print out these letting go of the past quotes and put them on your refrigerator.
3. Life is ironic.
Life is ironic. It takes depression to know happiness. Stress to understand calm. Absence to value presence. – Karen Salmansohn
4. Good people make mistakes too
Sometimes good people make mistakes. It doesn’t mean they have to pay for their bad choices for the rest of their life. It just means they are human. The most valuable lessons aren’t taught. They’re experienced. – Karen Salmansohn
5. Be patient
Sometimes it takes 10 years to get that 1 year that will change your life.
- Use these quotes about letting go of the past as phone wallpaper.
6. Taking no action is an action
Taking no action is an action. If you do nothing to move forward to your dreams, you’re still doing something. You’re making the choice to stay in the same place. Inaction is a method to choose the kind of life you live – but in the opposite direction of determination. – Karen Salmansohn
7. Let go of blessing blockers
Watch out for blessing blockers: fear, anger, doubt, worry, regret, jealousy, and negative people. – Karen Salmansohn
8. Accept the bridge of “in between”
Missing the way things used to be? Please know soon things will fall into place. You’re simply traveling on the bridge of the “in between.” Step by step you will get to a place of joy and insight. You’ll see. – Karen Salmansohn
- Share these letting go of the past quotes on Instagram and inspire others to move on!
9. Uncertainty is stressful. Let it go.
Uncertainty is stressful. You don’t need to know all the answers. Just breathe deeply and take small steps. – Karen Salmansohn
10. Trust the timing of your life
Stop exhausting yourself worrying about when something will happen. Know that your patience and faith are potent forces. View all delays as helpful redirections. Trust the timing of your life. – Karen Salmansohn
11. You will be okay. Let it go.
You will be okay. So please don’t wait for things to change to feel okay. Feel okay now. Okay? – Karen Salmansohn
12. Forget perfection. Let it go.
You don’t need a perfect life to be happy. You just need to surround yourself with people who love you for who you are. – Karen Salmansohn
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