
Insider Tips For Child Modeling: Advice for Parents

Insider Tips For Child Modeling: Advice for ParentsDo you think your child has what it takes to become a model? Can you imagine your child on the covers of magazines? Can you imagine your little one modeling clothes for children’s clothing companies? If you are serious about getting your child into modeling, you need to know everything about how to break into this industry.

As you have probably already heard, modeling is a tough sector to break into, and this is actually no different when it comes to child modeling. Of course, you also need to keep your child protected. Plus you need to make sure that their school life does not suffer. Basically,  there is a lot for a parent to consider and take on. So, keep on reading for some helpful advice.

Finding a good agency is everything

First and foremost, it is imperative to find a good modeling agency. If you take a look on the Internet you will see that you literally have a huge number of agencies to choose from. Nevertheless, not all of these agencies are going to be a good option. You need to consider each one with extreme care and consideration.

It is vital to go for an agency with a good reputation.

After all, if you go for a new agency that no one is heard of, then you are going to decrease the chances of your child getting a modeling job.

Good agencies will get exclusive jobs and scouts will look through their books of models for job roles instead of posting advertisements, which is one of the reasons why a quality modeling agency is of a high level of importance.

Insider Tips For Child Modeling: Advice for ParentsYou should always read reviews that have been left by other parents.

  • What have they had to say about the agency in question?
  • Would they recommend them?
  • Were they happy with the service provided?
  • Did their child get a lot of modeling jobs?

Reviews are the best way to get an honest insight into the level of service you are likely to experience. If an agency has a bad reputation you will be able to pick up on the red flags and thus you will know to stay away and look elsewhere instead.

Insider Tips For Child Modeling: Advice for ParentsYou also need to make sure that the agency is ethical and that they have your child’s best interests at heart.

We have all heard horror stories about the modeling world, which is why a lot of parents are anxious to get involved. You need to ensure that the agency remembers that your child is exactly that – a child!

Your kid’s welfare should always come first. Moreover, school should not suffer.

Nowadays thanks to online universities, like Exeter, it is a lot easier for children and adults to study while they are on the move, so if this does turn into an amazing opportunity for your child, there is no reason for school work to get left behind. After all, having a backup plan is something that definitely comes very highly recommended.

In addition to this, there are lots of different questions you will need to ask the agency prior to joining up with them. Make sure that you thoroughly understand the process and any costs that are entailed.

The last thing you want is to go through the nightmare experience where you keep getting billed more and more costs for services that you never even heard about during your initial conversation with the agency. Unfortunately, there are a lot of ‘modeling agencies’ out there that try to capitalize on people’s dreams and thus they will do anything to make money. This is why you really do have to be diligent when it comes to the search process.

Aside from this, you need to thoroughly understand the payment terms – i.e. when you will receive money for your child’s work – and you also need to know what percentage they take. The average per cent is 20.

Ask what clients the agency works with as well. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of what they can offer you. You will also want to make sure their website is updated regularly and that they are going to give your child the best chance of getting those dream modeling jobs!

Insider Tips For Child Modeling: Advice for ParentsOnce you have found an agency…

Now that you have found a good agency, the hard work does not end there! One thing you need to make sure you do if you want your child to have any chance of succeeding is ensure that their photographs are on point. Any model, whether young or old, needs to see their photographs and their portfolio as their CV. This will determine how many jobs your child gets.

In the early stages, you do not need to spend your money on professional photographs. When selecting an agency, a few color snaps will do. The agency will then advise you on the best route to go down. Are these photographs good enough or should you hire a professional instead?

You need to ensure the photographs are varied. There is no point having five photographs of your child if they all look the same and your child has the same facial expression in each one! Make sure the photos are updated regularly. You should take new photographs every six months until they are walking.

For young children, it is advisable to take new photos every year or at least every eighteen months. Finally, for older children, you should update your photographs every two years minimum.

Aside from the points that have already been mentioned, it is vital to be realistic.

Unfortunately, your child is not going to bag every modeling job they audition for. It is important to make sure you do not take this personally. Whether young or old, models – no matter how good they are – are sometimes simply not right for the job in question. Aside from this, you need to make sure that you don’t have a negative impact on your child’s life by chasing this dream.

It’s not advisable for them to miss a huge amount of school and you need to ensure the social side of their life does not suffer either. Make sure this is something your child really wants to do. Of course, if your little one is only a baby, then this does not apply. But, for older children, it needs to be their dream, not yours.

In addition to this, it is important to know about castings, i.e. how they work and what will be expected from you.

Insider Tips For Child Modeling: Advice for ParentsA casting is pretty much like an audition.

If your child has been put forward for one, your agency will call you to inform you of all of the details, such as the time and date of the casting and where it will be taking place. It is advisable to ask about any casting fees. Sometimes you will be charged around $10 to $20 by the agency for assistance with travel. You should also ask the agency whether there are any requirements or specific details regarding clothing selection as well.

If your child has been successful you will hear back. If your child has not been successful it is unlikely that you will hear anything. These agencies do not have time to ring everyone and inform them of the bad news.

Last but not least, if your child gets accepted for a job and is going to miss school, you will likely need to get a license from your local council for the school to give you such permission. Aside from this, your school may also need to provide a letter which states their permission. In some cases, it is also necessary to get a letter from the doctor that states your child is in good health.

All in all, it can certainly be rewarding to see your little one in a magazine advert or on television.

If you follow the pieces of advice that have been provided in this post you will certainly have a great starting point for making it in this industry. Joining a quality agency is undoubtedly one of the most important things, so make sure you consider your options carefully!

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