
10 Funny Inspirational Quotes To Make You Smile

10 Funny Inspirational Quotes To Make You SmileBelow are 10 funny inspirational quotes to make you smile and tickle your funny-bone, brain and heart.

I designed each of these inspiring funny quotes – and I had fun creating them.

I started off as a humor writer.

My first published book was a novel – loved by the comedian Jon Stewart. Plus I also did sitcom writing for a little bit.

Why I Created These Funny Inspirational Quotes…

  • I love merging humor with inspiration – and helping people to laugh away their stresses.

Feel free to share these funny inspirational life quotes (below) with someone you love – who needs to feel encouraged and uplifted.

Get More Inspiration To Smile

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  • Stop overwhelm and overthinking.
  • Improve focus and productivity.
  • Sleep better.
  • Feel more confident.
  • Be happier.

10 Funny Inspirational Quotes To Make You Smile

Use these funny inspirational quotes as mobile wallpaper.

Or share these humorous quotes in social media. Tag me on Instagram at @notsalmon and say hello – and I’ll wave a friendly hi right back at you!


humorous inspiration sayings

I now realize that instead of saying that I want to grow into my best self, I should say I want to reduce into my best self. Because a lot of what’s empowering me to be my best all about letting go. I need to let go of regrets, fears, resentment, worry. So You see, I’m actually reducing into my best self. – Karen Salmansohn


amusing life saying

Happiness Secret: Pay less attention to your cell, more attention to your soul. – Karen Salmansohn


funny quote about life

If you want to be happy, you must accept everything comes with “The Pooper Scooper Factor.” – Karen Salmansohn


hilarious quote about life

I got mood poisoning. Must have been something I hate. – Karen Salmansohn


funny inspirational quotes

My life got better when I started to think of “fear” as “nature’s caffeine.” – Karen Salmansohn


funny inspirational quotes

Be careful hanging out with negative people. It’s tough removing negativity from your mind once it gets in there. – Karen Salmansohn


funny inspirational quotes

Sometimes you gotta cha cha your way to change. 3 steps forward, 1 step backwards. 10 steps forwards, 3 steps backwards. Keep moving. You’ll get there. -Karen Salmansohn


funny inspirational quotes

You never know what worse lucky your bad luck has saved you from.


funny inspirational quotes

If beating yourself up worked, you’d be rich, thin and happy. Try loving yourself instead. – Cheryl Richardson


funny saying

Integrity is sexy. Look for a partner with beautiful and strong core values. – Karen Salmansohn

Bonus Funny Inspirational Quote

funny inspirational quote

Anxiety is like a toddler. It never stops talking tells you you’re wrong about everything. Wakes you up at 3am.

Feeling stressed?

Check out my inspiring video course, The Anxiety Cure.

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