
May Love Always Win: An Inspiring Mantra For Happy Families

may love always win karen salmansohnQuick story: We ordered up these two small white “snack tables” for our home.

After they arrived, I decided to do a little DIY on them – just to pep them up a bit.

Since I’m a writer/designer by trade (creating inspirational posters under the name “notsalmon”), I chose to snazzy-up the tables with some fun headlines.

  • First I chose two of my favorite “Notsalmon-isms.”
  • Next I created “die cuts” of these words.
  • Then I painted the sayings onto the tables with silver paint.

One table now says:

“May love always win.”

The other table says:

“My super power is faith.”

Shortly after the paint dried, my 4 year old son Ari Salmansohn, began asking me to read the words on these tables – over and over.

Ari also proceeded to ask me a range of questions about what these sayings mean.

Because these tables were in constant view, discussing these sayings quickly became a daily habit.

In particular Ari loved to talk about the words “May love always win.”

These words became his favorite to say and discuss.

Eventually “May love always win,” became an inspiring mantra in our home.

Now, if ever we’re having a conflict, we always make sure to end the disagreement by saying “May love always win” – followed by a big hug!

In fact, these words have even stopped us in our tracks before a fight can even happen.

When someone in our family is starting to get cranky about something, we announce, “May love always win.”

This forces the person to pause and think about how much they value love over whatever the potential argument might be about.

This mantra “May love always win” has on numerous occasions helped to stop challenging emotions from escalating.

It’s interesting how something as simple as a quirky snack table has been such a helpful tool in our home!

But thanks to this “chatty furniture,” we now never allow bad feelings to linger! We make mindfully sure that love is always winning.

Click here to get some helpful tools to raise happy kids!

What’s something that comes to mind when you read about this “talking furniture” – and the expression “may love always win”? Share below!

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