Here’s a calming, powerful mantra to heal anger. Simply repeat it when someone says mean things or does negative things to you.
I learned this calming mantra for anger from my 3 year old son (Ari).
The mantra for anger:
- Ari says: “NO thank you” or “No Thanks!” to the mean kids in his class.
There was one kid who was calling everyone poopy-head.
When he called Ari this name, Ari told me he told him…
“NO thank you.”
Basically Ari was not accepting these words and actions.
Ari was not allowing these negative words to be received in his heart, mind, spirit.
I love how these words “NO thank you” can work as a protective shield for the spirit.
If you’re an adult, you can use this mantra to heal anger as well.
You simply do not need to say this mantra for anger out loud to the other person’s face – as Ari was doing.
You can silently say “NO thank you” – as a calming mantra to yourself.
How Adults Can Use This Mantra For Anger:
- Close your eyes.
- Think about a person who’s harmed you (in words or actions). Envision them clearly.
- Repeat silently to yourself “No thank you, no thank you, no thank you.”
- With each repeat of this calming mantra, envision the person getting further and further away from you – or dimmer and dimmer.
Trust me: You will feel a lot better.
Oh – and here’s a second healing mantra for anger!
A few weeks after Ari started his “no thank you mantra,” he and I were watching a children’s TV show. One of the characters said “Return to sender!” to someone who said something mean to them.
Ari and I talked about how this phrase “Return to sender!” might also serve as another way to keep negativity away when someone says or does something hurtful. You can take a moment to think to yourself, “Return to sender” – then refuse to allow their cruelty get to you.
But… my personal favorite mantra for anger will remain Ari’s “no thank you!”
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