
12 Self Love Quote Image Posters – Love Yourself From the Inside Out

remind girls to love themselves from the inside out

We all need to regularly remind ourselves to love ourselves from the inside out, so I created these 12 inspiring self love quote image posters – below!

I’m also particularly passionate about helping young girls to boost their self worth and self esteem! I want to give them a little gentle nudge to remember what they have to offer – and be proud of their strong values and good qualities – so they’re less focused on weight and looks.

My mission to boost self love comes from a personal place.

My own history with insecurity.

When I was a young girl, I struggled with self esteem issues.

In particular, I had body dysmorphia. (Plus also full fledged life dysmorphia!)

Hence I’m determined to help as many people as I can to love themselves more – and appreciate what they have to offer – from the inside out!

12 Self Love Quote Image Posters

Share these self love quotes & remind girls, boys, everyone to love themselves from the inside out!


girls pretty enough

Be happy to be pretty kind, pretty smart, pretty unique, pretty loving, pretty lovable, pretty quirky, pretty funny,  pretty cool – and not just pretty!


love yourself from inside out quote

Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. – Karen Salmansohn


girls need to see their worth quote

There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Don’t let this person be you.


being different is good reminder quote

Being different is a good thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself. – Karen Salmansohn


girls should not shrink themselves reminder

Don’t you dare shrink yourself for someone else’s comfort. Do not become small for people who refuse to grow.


remind girls love themselves inside out

Ban, shred, delete, obliterate the words, “I’m not good enough.” – Karen Salmansohn

  • Share these self worth image quote posters on Instagram and inspire girls to love themselves more!


your are good enough quote for girls

You are good enough. And have always been good enough. You just have been too good to the wrong people.


remind girls love themselves inside out

The more you appreciate your worth, the less you’ll want to stay around people who don’t. – Karen Salmansohn


girls love themselves from inside out

I’m not my cellulite. I’m my inner light. – Karen Salmansohn


reminder love yourself imperfect

Nobody is perfect. We make mistakes, say wrong things, do wrong things, fall, get up, learn, grow, move on, live.


struggling to like themselves quote

Don’t worry if someone doesn’t like you. Most people are struggling to like themselves.


okay with people not liking you

You absolutely have to become okay with not being liked. No matter how loving or kind you are, you will never people please your way into collective acceptance. You could be a whole ray of sunshine and people will hate you because they’re used to rain. Be okay with shining regardless. – Unknown (designed by Karen Salmansohn/NotSalmon.com)

Bonus Self Love Image Quote Poster To Love Yourself From The Inside Out!

love oneself from inside out quote

You will be too much for some people. Those aren’t your people.

Reminder Quote for Girls To Support Other Girls

quote for girls to support other girls

I love girls who compliment other girls. Too many girls thinking it’s a competition. It’s nice to be nice.

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