
Lose Weight Fast with this NLP Weight Loss Tool

Want to Lose Weight Fast

If you want to lose weight fast here’s an NLP Weight Loss Tool to retrain your brain to crave healthier foods.

I have a wait problem. I hate to wait.

When I want something, I want it NOW.

My wait problem also applies to my need to lose weight problem.

When I want to lose weight fast, I want to lose it NOW.

But how?

I discovered an NLP weight loss tool to increase willpower – when you want to lose weight fast.

If you know my work, then you know I’m a recovered emotional eater, who gained 90 pounds when I was pregnant.

And no, I was not pregnant with a teenager!

I was binging on junk food out of fear and stress.

Lose Weight Fast NLP Weight Loss Tool

Unfortunately, I kept a lot of this weight on – until my son was two.

I was in denial – and kept calling this added weight my pregnant weight. However in truth, it was my “I eat too much crappy food weight.”

My turning point for losing weight?

One day my doctor called to tell me my health was in danger due to this extra weight.

Because I’m a writer by profession, I went into research geek mode – and began binging on psychological research studies all about overeating and food addiction.

Eventually I created an effective “psychological tool kit” based on this research. And I wound up retraining my brain to crave healthier foods and more self-loving habits.

As a result I wound up losing 20 pounds in 3 months.

My doctor also told me that I now had the blood work of someone 20 years younger than myself! I wound up writing a health book on living longer and younger!

Plus I share a wide range of psychological weight loss strategies in my video course, Stop Emotional Eating!

Today, I’m sneaking you one of my video course’s many effective weight loss techniques.

This is a fun NLP weight loss tool to lose weight quickly.

Yes, I did say “fun” in the same sentence with “lose weight”! Read on…

A favorite psychological NLP tool to lose weight fast:

Create A New Vocabulary Menu

NLP for weight lossBasically, I changed the words I allowed to enter and exit my mouth.

I began with with banning the word “diet.”

After all, if you really want to get slim and become healthier, you’re on a DO IT not a diet.

When you say you’re on a DO IT, you feel far more confident that you’re really gonna DO IT.

Plus that overused word “diet”also implies that you’re going “off” the diet at some point.

On top of this, the word “diet” has lots of negative associations. I hear that word “diet” and think: “LOTS OF PAIN AHEAD!”

More words on my NLP Weight Loss Plan:


want to lose weight fast NLP Weight Loss ToolThis word is all about slowing down the eating and thereby tasting food more – so you’ll want to eat less.

When you appreci-eat your food, you will quickly find that you’re losing weight fast, because you’re feeling fuller sooner.

Studies show that if you eat more slowly, you allow your body the needed time to signal to your brain that you are full — which is usually 20 minutes.

So I no longer eat meals and snacks – I appreciEAT them!


Every food one chooses to eat either moves you forward to your dream weight – or backwards to gaining more weight.

So when I look at a food I ask myself:

“Is this a forward food – or a backward food?”

3. “THE OLD ME” and “THE NEW ME”

weight loss techniqueAll your actions come from your identity.

If you think: “I always overeat late at night.”

Guess what? You do.

If you think: “I’m the type of person who can resist junk food — the new me is great at resisting it — the new me eats forward foods — the old me ate backward foods!”

Guess what? The new you will be very much going forwards to fab – instead of backwards to flab!


To hell with ordinary mere mortal willpower.

When you have WALLPOWER, nothing will be able to break through your wall of commitment!

As a result, you will lose weight fast.

So I now tell myself that I have the WALLPOWER to resist junk food.


Lose Weight quickly easily Neuro-Linguistic ToolIf you want to be a slim, healthy person it’s essential you swap the pleasure of food with life’s multitudinous other delights.

Losing Weight Truth:

If you’re presently overweight, it’s because you’re not being hungry enough about pursuing life’s other abundant pleasures. Instead, you are seeing mostly the pleasure of food.

Losing Weight Truth:

If you want to lose weight fast, you must make sure your appetite for life is far bigger than your appetite for mere food.

Want to lose weight fast?

Join my Stop Emotional Eating Course

want to lose weight fastMy “NLP Weight Loss Tool” is only one small aspect of the many effective psychological strategies I include in my self paced online course.

If you want to lose weight fast, you will love all the many psychological tools my online training.

These weight loss strategies have already helped many thousands of people around the world to stop food addictions!

It’s time to turn your diet into DO IT – and finally DO IT – slim down and healthy up!

I’d love for YOU to be my next happy success story! Start now!

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.

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