
How to Succeed in Business Without a Penis

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This instant bestselling business book is not your mother’s business book.

Unless your mom is Arianna Huffington, Donna Karan, Madonna, Goldie Hawn or Geraldine Laybourne – all of whom have loved it!

Take a Peek!


Donna Karan loved it – and told me she was keeping it on the coffee table in her Urban Zen offices. Goldie Hawn loved it – and told me she was passing it on to her daughter Kate Hudson.

Arianna Huffington featured an excerpt from “How To Succeed In Business Without A Penis” in her book: “On Becoming Fearless.”

Here’s that excerpt from Huffington…

Fear of sticking our necks out because of how we’ll be perceived often causes us to sabotage our careers. And the consequences of stifling ourselves aren’t just financial. For example, Gail Evans, who worked her way from talk show booker to executive vice president of CNN, making her at the time the highest-ranking woman in broadcast journalism, says that even after she made it to the top of her field, she was still afraid to speak up at meetings. Instead, she’d let other people get credit for her ideas. “You’d think, as much power as I have there,” she said in 2000, “that I could be comfortable saying anything…but I still hold back, I’m constantly censoring myself. And it’s always a man who beats you to the punch.”

In a MediaBistro seminar, Karen Salmansohn, author of How to Succeed in Business Without a Penis, observed that “men are more often warriors and women, worriers.” Women, Salmansohn said, “want to be liked. This is something that starts very early on in life. They’ve done studies with little girls and little boys, and having lots of little girlfriends around us is very important to us. It doesn’t always go away when we get to be big girls, either. Guys know that in business nice guys finish last; girls don’t know if nice girls finish last or if pushy, aggressive girls finish last.

I also met Madonna in LA – and showed her the book. She loved it so much – she wound up passing it around to a bunch of her friends. I told her I was determined to help women to be bolder and more successful in their business lives.

Madonna grabbed my arm tightly, and replied: “God bless you!”

Meaning? I’ve actually been blessed by Madonna! (Note: Yes, that’s a joke. I don’t really believe I’ve been blessed by her. Although I am deeply complimented and tickled by her response.)

“How To Succeed In Business Without A Penis” came out in 1996 – and its ideas and tools are just as vibrantly relevant today.

poster cruising dog largeIndeed, many of my biggest business opportunities came because of my cajones (aka: how I met Madonna, Goldie Hawn, Donna Karan etc).

Plus I owe a lot of the game-changers in my career to not only doing daring actions – but also choosing to speak up a bit louder – even when my ideas were outside of the box.

Actually, especially when my ideas were outside of the box.

I give specific personal examples from my career rise to becoming a Senior Vice President Creative Director in advertising in my late 20’s – as well as suggestions for how you can immediately start to apply these same techniques – in whatever career or business you’re in.

“How To Succeed In Business Without A Penis” is split into 2 sections – each exploring the differing business styles men and women practice—and actionable techniques each gender can learn from the other.

Sun Tzu in The Art of War says:

“…in the wise leader’s plans, considerations of advantage and of disadvantage will be blended together.”

This informative and empowering business book blends together the advantages and disadvantages both genders might be prone to having.

  • First, I expose ten male advantages and disadvantages – shedding light on both things to be learned and spurned.
  • Next up, the book reveals the 10 advantages and disadvantages women might be prone to having.

Although the title is a bit raucous,  I’m serious about my commitment to helping empower women to succeed.

Altogether over 200,000 copies of “How To Succeed In Business Without A Penis” have been sold – making it a best selling book on a few different lists –including Business Week’s and USA Today’s.


Laugh-out-loud humor and instructive information

Karen Salmansohn offers an unusual hybrid of laugh-out-loud humor and instructive information to help people master a variety of career problems, no matter what career you're in, or what level you're at. Her book is jam-packed full of inspiring, quotable gems – the kind that get you elbowing whomever is within elbowing reach so you can read them out loud. I thoroughly recommend this book.

Geraldine Laybourne Chairman and CEO of Oxygen Media

Click here to claim your free How To Succeed In Business Without a Penis eBook.

P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.

1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.

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