
4 Reasons To Get Your Hearing Checked

4 Reasons To Get Your Hearing CheckedWhen was the last time you got your hearing checked? Or have you ever had your hearing checked? Shockingly, a massive 77% of those over 50 haven’t had a hearing check in the previous two years, and for 80% of those surveyed, their doctor hasn’t talked to them about their hearing (survey on IHPI).

However, four out of five Americans think hearing loss is important, even though they don’t actually have their hearing checked on a regular basis. This neglect could lead to serious consequences, making it crucial to prioritize your hearing health.

If you’re one of those people on the fence about getting their hearing checked or you’re unsure if you need a hearing test, here are 4 reasons why you should get your hearing checked.

You’re on Medication

Some medications, both prescription and over-the-counter medications, can damage hearing. They have the potential to cause damage to the inner ear, particularly the little hairs that carry the sound waves, and once they become damaged, there is no way of repairing them, leading to permanent hearing loss. Your hearing care provider can talk to you about understanding ototoxicity if you’re taking any ototoxic medications such as chemotherapy medications, some antibiotics, and high doses of diuretics.

You Can’t Hear Properly

A really great reason for you to make a trip to get your hearing checked is because your hearing isn’t what it once was. It’s important to remember that hearing can change for any reason; age-related hearing loss is common as you get older, but infections, accidents, or illnesses, as well as medications, can cause hearing loss.

Some hearing loss is only temporary and can come back once the issue is rectified, i.e., ear wax removal. However, in many cases, it’s permanent, and you will need to discuss whether or not you need hearing aids with your hearing care provider moving forward.

You Have Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a symptom of another condition that might be at play within your body, and it’s the presence of noise in your ears that only you can hear. You cannot control it or escape it, and it can be constant or come and go. Ringing in the ears, a buzzing noise, whirring, thumping, etc, are, as you can imagine, not supposed to be sounds you can hear, and if this is present, it’s worth getting your hearing checked as it can be down to something to do with your hearing or tinnitus can impact your hearing.

Your Balance is Off

Struggling to keep your balance? For some people, the inner ear, if it’s not working properly, can impact their balance and make them feel like they’re falling when they walk or they’re on a boat. The good news is that it might be that you have an infection which, when resolved, can rectify your balance issues, giving you back your stability and peace of mind.

However, if you have hearing loss, you might find it impacts your ability to stay up straight. Studies have found this is common in those over 50 with hearing loss, even if you haven’t noticed a change in your hearing; if you have concerns about your balance, why not get things checked to see what’s going on or even rule out ear problems?


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