Imagine if you could makeover your life like you might your skincare. Well, with the following life revamp strategies help you, if you’re the sort of person who’s done everything they can to improve things.
Break Your Routine
A solid routine can be a friend. But it can also be problematic. While routines help most people, they can get you stuck in a rut and prevent you from facing new challenges. Doing the same thing every day means your brain can be set on autopilot and you don’t ever need to try to master new things.
Sometimes routines come from bad life decisions. Perhaps you married the wrong person or went into a line of work you hate. Often, doing something big gives you a kind of “reset” and allows you to live in the way you want.
You could even consider taking a sabbatical if you have money but feel run down. An extended break from your career gives you a chance to reflect and perhaps try something new.
If you can break your routine in a way that shifts you from a fixed to a growth mindset, that’s even better. This psychological shift makes it more likely you will shoot for the stars instead of remaining mired in mediocrity.
Finally, you could try some sort of unconventional travel experience. Going on a pilgrimage or working somewhere as a volunteer could be an excellent way to expand your horizons and view the world in a new light.
Dive Deep Into Unconventional Healing
Next, you could look into various unconventional healing strategies. These allow you to explore various healing practices that you wouldn’t normally come across in mainstream medicine, like Reiki or acupuncture.
These approaches have been tried for centuries and can work wonders for a lot of people. Often, they are exactly what you need if you’re the sort of person who’s tried pretty much everything else.
Many people are also travelling overseas for shamanic healing and breathwork. These ancient practices tap into primal biology in ways the modern world simply can’t, opening up health avenues you didn’t know existed.
If healing needs to occur on a spiritual level, going to an ayahuasca retreat could be an option for some people. These often open the mind to new encounters and provide you with a deeper insight into your life and what’s working for you.
Change How You Think
Another key way to revamp your life is to fundamentally change how you think. So many people are stuck in survival mode that they never wind up living the lives that they want, leaving them in a terrible state.
Tools like CBT are helpful in this regard. These techniques operate over a period of 8 to 12 weeks to retrain the mind and reframe life in different ways. These are often healthier and help you become more functional in whatever you’re doing, whether that’s pursuing a career or taking care of a family.
Changing how you think isn’t just about maintaining a positive mindset. It also often involves seeking ways to remain robust in challenging situations. Life is never straightforward, but if you can figure out ways to be strong even during difficult times, that will help you tremendously on your journey.
Many people call this approach “antifragile.” The idea is for shocks and things going wrong to actually make you stronger over time. It’s a challenging path to walk, but once you learn some of the basic principles, it can help you fight back against a world that often feels uncaring.
Career Realignment
Many people also try career realignment when trying to revamp their lives. Sometimes just changing what you do can have a profound effect on how you feel day to day.
A job may feel like a dream job, just because that’s the narrative you have in your mind about who you should be. But this approach doesn’t always work, especially if you’re someone who makes big choices early in life. Often, shifting gears and trying something new opens your eyes to an entirely new world.
ASK Training SEO and Analytics Courses are a good example of this concept in action. The idea is to take people who are already doing well in their careers and upgrade their skills so that they can perform new roles that might be more suitable for them.
Training to get into an area with growth potential can also take a lot of weight off your mind. You’re not always trying to survive in a dying industry where people are constantly leaving.
Radical Self-Acceptance
For many people, radical self-acceptance is often the most liberating way to revamp their lives. Instead of trying to constantly fix everything, this approach sees value in who you are right now and your existing approach to life.
Radical self-acceptance is always challenging and something that takes time for people to develop. However, it can help if you’re someone who always likes to be in control. Surrendering a little can be helpful.
You should notice that when you start this process, you end up being kinder to yourself. While you aren’t perfect, you recognise that there are many things you do well and you learn to take the good with the bad.
Environmental Recalibration
Changing your environment is another thing that can help. Examining your social influences and who is in your immediate circle can make a massive difference.
Many people get stuck in relationships with people who drain their energy. These individuals always seem to know how to pull them down.
But, ideally, you want to be around those who help to build you up. Yes, you have shortcomings, but everyone does. That’s not the point. The point is to find people who can move you toward being the best person you can be.
Networking for inspiration can sometimes help with this process. Finding new people to spend time with is refreshing and helps to get you out of a rut. If you’re with the same people all the time, you can miss out on key ideas and inspiration.
Look For Awakening
The idea of looking for awakening is quite an esoteric concept, but it is also something that works for a lot of people. Finding something deeper in life can help escape the cynicism and nihilism that so often dominate the modern world.
Awakening often begins with spiritual tutoring or mentorship. Finding someone who can support your practices, whatever they are, is useful. These teachers or inspirational figures often have words of wisdom that strike at the core of your being and who you are.
Esoteric practices are also quite popular these days. These involve searching through things like astrology and numerology for signs that things should move differently in your life.
Whenever you get involved with spiritual practices, allow them to move through you naturally. Try to absorb the atmospheres of famous texts, like the Dao De Jing, without trying to understand every line entirely.
Be More Creative
Finally, you can sometimes revamp your life by being more creative, especially if you’re that type of person. Expressing yourself can be a wonderful way to unlock aspects of yourself that remain hidden on your spiritual journey.
For example, you could get into music or writing poetry. You could also do things like painting or video game design if that helps you get into a flow state.
Even revisiting things you found fun when you were a child can help. Reviving these takes you years back in time and helps you thrive.
P.S. Before you zip off to your next Internet pit stop, check out these 2 game changers below - that could dramatically upscale your life.
1. Check Out My Book On Enjoying A Well-Lived Life: It’s called "Your To Die For Life: How to Maximize Joy and Minimize Regret Before Your Time Runs Out." Think of it as your life’s manual to cranking up the volume on joy, meaning, and connection. Learn more here.
2. Life Review Therapy - What if you could get a clear picture of where you are versus where you want to be, and find out exactly why you’re not there yet? That’s what Life Review Therapy is all about.. If you’re serious about transforming your life, let’s talk. Book a FREE consult call here.
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