
10 Facts and Statistics About Alcohol Consumption Worldwide

Facts and Statistics About Alcohol Consumption WorldwideLearn about the good and bad of alcohol consumption and key facts and statistics about it worldwide.

Drinking alcohol is common and widely accepted. Therefore, people no longer categorize it as a drug or substance. Yet, alcohol has significant adverse effects on people.

With this in mind, I decided to share these important facts and statistics about alcohol consumption – because I am a bestselling author with about 2 million books sold globally.  Plus I founded a groundbreaking video course called The Anxiety Cure.

I love sharing insights and strategies to help people to overcome their challenges.

Coming up in this blog post, we’ll discuss alcohol addiction and insights for recovery. 

10 Facts and Statistics About Alcohol Consumption

Learn more about alcohol consumption by reading these ten incredible facts and statistics.

1. Alcohol Can Cause Addiction

When people first start drinking alcohol, many don’t think they could get addicted. It is all fun and games until they end up consuming too much and getting alcohol use disorder. When this happens, they struggle to achieve sobriety. However, people struggling with alcohol consumption can overcome the condition by enrolling in sober living programs. These programs encourage recovery and help them fight alcohol dependency.

2. Alcohol Is Regulated

Alcoholic drinks are sold in many places like hotels, bars, restaurants, shops, and convenience stores. Therefore, some people rarely think about the laws and regulations behind the use of alcohol. Yet, each country has policies governing production, sale, distribution, and consumption. Sellers need a liquor license, and those buying must be above a certain age.

3. Alcohol Is a Sedative

Alcohol slows the heart rate and changes the way the brain processes things. That is why people feel calm after a drink or two. Unfortunately, the feeling is short-lived, and they usually rush back to drink after the alcohol leaves the body. This is why people with emotional distress consume lots of alcohol to numb their feelings.

4. Alcohol Is Associated With Many Health Problems

Alcohol consumption can cause serious health issues like liver and heart failure, cancer, and unintentional injuries. However, some assume this can only happen to those who consume it regularly. These problems can affect a person regardless of how frequently they drink.

5. Alcohol May Cause Fatality

When the consumption of hard drugs like cocaine, morphine, hydrocodone, and heroin causes death, this information is highlighted in many news outlets. But death by alcohol consumption or alcohol poisoning is often ignored. Yet, alcohol is the leading preventable cause of death in the world.

6. Alcohol Has a Ripple Effect.

The impact of drinking alcohol goes beyond the user. An example is driving under the influence (DUI), which causes accidents or car crashes. This happens because alcohol impairs the ability to think clearly and act quickly. Additionally, some people become violent after drinking, and they do things that they would not have done if they were sober.

7. Underage Drinking Is Dangerous

Alcohol is presented as a relaxing drink or something people consume to have a good time, explaining why some teenagers also drink. What they do not know is that teenage drinking affects brain development. It also increases the likelihood of alcohol use disorder.

8. Binge Drinking Is Harmful

Some people don’t drink alcohol regularly but are open to the idea during the holidays, when they are on vacation, when celebrating, or when they have emotional distress. These people binge drink; they drink within a short period to get drunk. This can result in alcohol poisoning or health-related complications.

9. Alcohol Disrupts Sleep

After drinking alcohol, a person might become unconscious and blackout. However, this should not count as sleeping. Blackouts cause people to miss REM sleep when the brain gets time to rest and repair. Additionally, when the alcohol wears out, they wake up, and that disrupts sleep homeostasis. Therefore, those who drink alcohol before bed wake up feeling exhausted.

10. Alcohol Costs Money

Alcohol is expensive, which means that people have to spend a significant amount of money on it. Additionally, it makes people make wrong decisions about their finances, so they might spend money in ways they had not planned. This leads to lost opportunities and poor choices, which affects their finances.

These are ten facts about alcohol and its short and long-term effects. This information could provide more insights and help guide beginners and regular consumers. That way, they can decide whether to drink or avoid it.

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