
19 Practical Tips To Prevent Car Accidents

Practical Tips To Prevent Car AccidentsCar accidents kill up to 1.3 million people globally every year and leave countless others with life-changing injuries.

However, avoiding them is easy when you know how to drive responsibly. Most car accidents occur due to bad habits like driving under the influence, poor vehicle maintenance, following too closely, and speeding.

I’m writing this article because I’m the founder of the groundbreaking video course called The Anxiety Cure.

I love help people to stay calm, healthy and happy. With this in mind I put together this quick guide with practical tips to prevent car accidents so you avoid this stressful situation.

19 Tips To Prevent Car Accidents

Here are some practical tips to prevent car accidents and make the most of your driving experience. 

1. Avoid distracted driving

Distracted driving is among the leading causes of accidents. Anything that steals your attention on the road is a distraction. Answering phone calls, texting, browsing, and playing music can reduce a driver’s focus on the steering wheel.

Other things to avoid include eating, picking items on the floor, and assisting kids while driving. If the driver in front of you breaks harshly, a collision may occur if you lose concentration. 

2. Watch out for dangers (drive defensively)

Drive defensively by watching out for dangers. For instance, if a car rapidly switches lanes or a pedestrian tries walking into oncoming traffic, you can take preventive actions to avoid potential problems. Defensive driving helps avoid collisions if a hazard emerges from nowhere. 

3. Avoid blind spots

Adjust the rearview and side mirror to obtain a complete view of the back and sides of the vehicle. Also, physically check the nearby lanes to avoid missing objects your mirrors don’t detect.

Consider keeping other drivers in mind, especially when dealing with big trucks. You can prevent accidents by staying out of their blind spot.

4. Place your hands in the proper position on the wheel

The optimum steering position for driving is keeping your hands at the 9 and 3 o’clock positions. To guarantee maximum car safety and control, keep both hands at this position instead of one hand at the 12 o’clock position.

If you find yourself in a situation that requires quick maneuvers, optimum steering position will be your best bet to keep you safe.

5. Know your vehicle

Every car has its limitations. Therefore, you should know yours and learn to drive accordingly. For instance, if your car often leans while negotiating corners, you may want to wrench your wheel one way to avoid an accident.

Learn how your tires and brakes react to different driving situations. This way, you will know how to operate it in an emergency. 

6. Obey speed limits

Different roads may have different speed limits. For example, the speed limits on city roads and highways help improve safety for all road users. Therefore, not obeying them can lead to road accidents.

Keep it slow if you are a beginner. Speeding is responsible for nearly one-third of all motor vehicle deaths for the past few decades. 

7. Drive right for the weather

In other words, prepare for bad weather conditions. Even if you are the only driver on the road, you should want to drive right for the weather. Rainy, snowy, or icy conditions can affect your vehicle’s performance on the road.

Avoid hydroplaning on flooded roads and master winter driving skills to reduce accident risks in the cold seasons. 

8. Tow accident-plagued vehicles away from the road

Severe road accidents, such as rollovers, can lead to serious injuries. Accepting the consequences of a road accident caused by reckless driving is hard. However, you can worsen the situation if you don’t take the necessary measures.

An overturned or damaged car should be removed from the road to prevent traffic congestion and risks of further accidents. Tow trucks may come in handy when authorities or drivers want to remove wrecked vehicles without causing additional inconveniences to road users. Therefore, seek a professional towing service to help remove the broken-down vehicle from the road for your peace of mind.

As a tip, always keep their phone number on you at all times; while you don’t wish to be involved in an accident, being prepared when it happens is also essential. 

9. Maintain your car well

Cars need regular checks to find and fix performance issues. Frequent servicing and maintenance of the vehicle’s engine, braking system, and steering mechanism will minimize the chances of accidents due to vehicle failure.

It helps to follow the manufacturer’s recommended schedules for maintenance. Prioritizing routine maintenance will ensure your car stops, accelerates, and steers optimally when required.

Replace worn-out tires and add safety accessories whenever required. For example, if your car lacks fog lights, consider installing them before driving in low-visibility environments.

10. Limit passengers and nighttime driving

tips to prevent car accidentsDriving an overloaded car can be challenging, especially at high speeds, rough roads, sharp turns, and mountainous areas. The risks of fatal accidents escalate with extra passengers.

Therefore, respect your car’s passenger limits to increase safety. Likewise, drivers should limit nighttime driving as the risk of a fatal crash is three times higher at night than at daytime for each mile of ride. 

11. Say no to road rage

Drivers may get angry at each other for several reasons. Road rage may arise if one driver fails to use their signal lever or goes slow in a fast lane.

No matter the situation, it would help if you learned to control your emotions, as road rage can influence you to make poor decisions.

Tailgating another driver due to anger or speeding to catch up with another may cause needless accidents. If you experience road rage, get out of the way instead of fueling the situation.

12. Avoid drinking and taking drugs before driving

Driving while drunk puts your life and that of others at risk. Alcohol impairs judgment and reaction time. You are less likely to see traffic signals, pedestrians, and approaching motorists when drunk. Drunk driving is not the only thing that can impair your decision-making. Legal and illegal drugs can also impact a driver’s cognitive function.

If your mind is not sharp and you don’t have full control over your body, getting behind the wheel can attract legal consequences like fines while endangering everyone. Arrange for a sober friend to pick you up if you plan to take alcohol or indulge at an event.

13. Don’t drive tired

The effects of driving exhaustion aren’t talked about enough. Drowsy driving often causes accidents in the night. So, find a safe place to pull over for a rest if you feel sleepy on the road. Alternatively, hand over the wheel to someone alert and ready to share driving duties with you.

14. Always buckle up

Airbags don’t replace seat belts, so always buckle up. Seatbelts are installed to reduce the severity of injuries by preventing ejections during crashes. Wear your seatbelt appropriately to benefit from airbag deployment. You risk sliding underneath the airbag and crashing into the dashboard if you don’t do this.

15. Overtake carefully

Improper overtaking is another common cause of road accidents. Drivers must ensure the road has at least double lanes and a broken center line before overtaking; try to signal to other drivers when attempting to overtake. Switching lanes at corners can be dangerous, especially when you cannot see the road ahead.

16. Don’t drive underage

Teen car accidents frequently happen due to maturity and attitude issues. You must make it a point to practice a responsible driving attitude and get enough supervised driving practice as much as possible before you get a license.

Steering over 3,000 pounds of fast-moving metal is not something to toy with. Many states have strict car licensing laws, so play by the rules and ensure you don’t drive underage or unqualified.

17. Don’t disregard traffic signals

Breaking traffic signals is one habit that can land you in a crash. Some drivers jump red lights intending to save fuel and time. Unfortunately, this often leads to accidents, so avoid this at all costs.

18. Watch out for potholes

Poor road conditions, such as potholes, can cause major accidents if you don’t notice them in time and decelerate. Cars with low ground may suffer severe damage in this situation. You risk blowing a tire or losing control of the car if you speed over potholes. Potholes can impact a vehicle’s suspension and wheels, too.

Understand that you won’t find perfect roads everywhere; bad roads and poor driving habits will only create a recipe for disaster. Therefore, watch out for potholes.

19. Tailgate carefully

Dangerous accidents may occur when a driver tailgates another at high speeds. Allowing enough distance between you and the driver ahead is a safe driving habit. As a tip, maintain one car length between the vehicle in front of you for each 10 mph you drive. This will give you enough time to stop when the rear light comes on.

Many drivers make mistakes by driving too close to other cars, giving them zero chance to react when the car in front brakes sharply.

Recap: Tips to Prevent Car Accidents

Driving can be convenient and pleasurable. You don’t have to subject yourself to someone’s schedule to perform your errands. But the prevalence of accidents can’t be overemphasized. Therefore, ensure you take the necessary steps to prevent mishaps and keep safe. Explore the above tips, and take good care of your car – and yourself in the process.

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