If you’re having trouble controlling how much you drink, here are tips for how to overcome the challenges of alcohol addiction.
The number of people who are suffering from alcohol addiction is staggering.
In the United States alone, 6% or around 24 million Americans qualify for an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). T
he most impacted age group for this condition seems to be between 18-25 years old, with about ten times more cases occurring in males than females.
Although the road to recovery is somewhat tricky, sometimes the addicts fail to continue the regimen because of unexpected challenges with the recovery process.
If you need support to overcome the challenges of alcohol addiction, I’m here to help.
As you might know, I am a bestselling author with about 2 million books sold globally. Plus I founded a groundbreaking video course called The Anxiety Cure.
I love sharing insights and strategies to help people to overcome their challenges.
With this in mind I put together this quick guide on overcoming the challenges of alcohol addiction.
Contrary to popular belief that the only hurdle for recovery might be relapse, the patient faces more unpleasant challenges. The treatment options for alcohol use disorders are numerous. The treatment plan is multifaceted. Below are some of the standard treatment possibilities. You can also visit Abbeycarefoundation.com to learn more on how to overcome alcohol addiction.
CBT aims to help the patient understand the client’s reasons for using alcohol excessively and ways to overcome it. This form of counseling often requires multiple sessions with health care experts, who will work together on tailored techniques designed specifically for each individual.
Group sessions provide an environment where alcoholics can communicate their concerns without hesitation. Behavioral therapy and support group programs have a strategist approach to model the person’s life. Even if they relapse, there is always hope for sobriety. Plus, a 12-step program or group gathering for people with similar interests and experiences aims to motivate each other while relating personal stories that have led them to cut down consumption levels based on individual needs. One such place would be Delphi Health Group, which supports groups to reduce excessive drinking habits among individuals aiming to achieve this result.
Medicine aids in minimizing alcohol dependence and preventing future relapses. Medications such as naltrexone and disulfiram are administered by a primary care physician or a psychiatrist in combination with the above treatment regimen for better effect. Some people, however, may show no response at all, while others may come out as sober individuals. The right combination of the treatment regimen is outlined by health care practitioners based on personal history.
The first challenge during the recovery process is the constant desire to consume more than the limits. Coping with persistent cravings is challenging.
Often people lose their motivation and get off the track. To overcome the issue, you can epxlore behavior therapy and group sessions. P
ractitioners may also use a reward-based approach to cut down the frequency of binge drinking. This may reduce the overall consumption and encourage the person to come out sober in no time at all.
Breakdowns and emotional upsets may stress the recovering alcohol addict even further. Typically, alcohol addicts have multiple mental health issues that had never been addressed appropriately. As a result, these people wind up with addictions to alcohol, drugs and even food addictions as a means of self medicating.
Based on research and studies, psychiatric illnesses such as major depression, anxiety disorder, and bipolar disorder are associated with alcoholism.
Additionally, alcohol may trigger psychiatric disturbances such as psychosis, anxiety, and depression in some cases. A multidisciplinary approach is used to treat alcoholism with medications combined with behavioral therapy to overcome this situation. Concomitant treatment of alcoholism and triggering psychiatric disorders deter the risk of relapses.
Constant misbehavior and reluctance towards the responsibilities often create dysfunctional relationships between the addict and their families. Often the addict is caught up in a web of deception which can shatter trust with their loved ones and lead to break ups.
The rehabilitation and behavioral program often focuses on mending the broken bonds between his family and peers. Reconciliation and fixing the relationship problems free the individual from previous traumatic events instilled in the mind halting the recovery.
Rehabilitation programs (like Indianapolis Alcohol Rehab) teach individuals to live life after addiction by teaching them new skills to carry with themselves for the rest of their lives. These activities include learning to cook meals, manage finances better, keep up appearances in public spaces, which help establish sobriety and regain some self-esteem along the way.
The most prominent challenge individuals face during the treatment is a persistent temptation to consume alcohol resulting in relapses during and after treatment. Individuals who have been drinking alcohol are often embarrassed and ashamed of their addiction. They feel like they let themselves, family members, or loved ones down when relapse occurs because it’s so difficult to keep going on your own without support from others.
Behavioral therapy and support group programs have a strategist approach to model the person’s life. Even if they relapse, there is always hope for sobriety.
The hardest part about being addicted to alcohol is that it often leads people into difficult situations. The treatment for this disorder includes a multidisciplinary team of experts who help patients overcome their addictions and gain independence again.
Though alcohol abuse treatment regimens can lead to successful recovery, behavior therapy and support groups are essential for overcoming challenges during rehabilitation that cause reversion from addiction.
Explore my groundbreaking video course called The Anxiety Cure.