Food is fuel not therapy.
Do you use food as therapy? Do you eat when you’re sad, angry, fearful, self-loathing – to escape uncomfortable emotions?
If so, it’s time to stop allowing your mind to bully your body – and re-learn how to eat to nourish & energize yourself instead.
When you eat in a healthy way, food gives you the fuel you need to…
* show up at your best in your friendships & relationships!
* do the work, sports, hobbies and artistic pursuits you love – at your best level possible!
I know sometimes we can feel a bit powerless around certain foods.
I call these foods “Kryptobites” – because they work like Kryptonite on us!
If you’re experiencing “Food Struggles” then I recommend you join my video course:
“Stop Emotional Eating”.
This is a not a diet program.
It’s a permanent habit changing programming.
The tools inside “Stop Emotional Eating” are based on results-proven psychological techniques.