
Car Accident Injuries: Navigating Insurance Claims

Car Accident Injuries: Navigating the Complexities of Insurance ClaimsThousands get on the road to get from one place to another in their cars. Unfortunately, not everyone safely gets to their destination every time. There were 282,640 car accidents in Michigan in 2021. This was a 15% increase from the previous year, according to the Traffic Crash Reporting Unit (TCRU).

The number of crashes that caused injuries also rose to 51,666 in 2021 from 44,417 in 2020. When an accident happens, the most pressing concern is getting medical attention if it is serious. The next concern should be making a claim for compensation for the injuries you have suffered and/or damages you have suffered.

As you might know, I am a recovered stress sufferer. I understand how tough it is to try to manage the stress during this tough time.

I even wrote a bestselling meditation guide called Instant Calm and founded the groundbreaking video course called The Anxiety Cure.

I love sharing insights and strategies to help people stay calm. With this in mind I put together this quick guide on car accident injuries so you can better navigate your insurance claims.

First things first… Insurance companies may try to evade paying out by finding a reason not to admit liability for an accident. When that happens, you need the help of an attorney.

If you or a loved one happen to live in Flint, for instance and are involved in a car accident, your Flint car accident lawyer will ensure you get the compensation that is due to you. They will know how to legally deal with a problematic insurance company, whether it is yours or the other party’s.

Understanding The Basics Of Car Insurance 

Michigan, for instance, is a no-fault insurance state. This means that you can make a claim for compensation for what is termed as a threshold injury. This is one that is serious or that causes disfigurement. You can only claim for Personal Injury Protection (PIP). Even if the accident was caused by another driver and you did not sustain a PIP injury, you cannot file a third-party lawsuit.

However, you can file an Application for Benefits. There is a one-year time limit to do this, so it is essential to do it as soon as possible after an accident. When you do this, ask for a claim number to be sure a file has been opened on the matter.

If you are required to sign a statement or any document, it would be advisable to consult your car accident lawyer. It is possible that you may hear from insurance claims adjusters while you are getting treatment for your injuries or are still in shock about an accident. You don’t want to unknowingly sign away your rights to make a claim. So, don’t sign any document without running it by your lawyer. 

If the injury you sustained is a threshold one, you are eligible for a third-party claim against the driver who caused the accident. Your car accident attorney will assess your injury, verify it with medical records, and can represent you in a third-party claim. Their experience and expertise are invaluable in navigating around the arguments and counterclaims that the other party could make.

What To Do And What Not To Do After A Car Accident

To give yourself the best chance of getting compensated, it is crucial to do these things right after a car crash:

  • Let your insurance company know as soon as possible.
  • Do record the conversion you have with your insurance company. It will be very helpful to your attorney to know exactly what was said.
  • Do give the insurance company accurate details. If they find out anything you said was not true, you could lose your claim.
  • In your conversation, do not admit to causing the accident or contributing to it, even if you think you did. Again, this could compromise your claim.
  • Don’t take the first offer for the compensation you are given. You want a fair settlement, and your car accident attorney can ensure you get it.

Let The Car Accident Experts Handle It 

A car accident attorney knows how insurance companies play their game to pay the minimum in compensation or nothing at all. Your car accident lawyer will play their game and ensure you come out the winner with fair compensation. You can fill out an online form giving the details of your case so you can get a free evaluation (if applicable). You can also get in touch via phone or email. 

From here, your car accident attorney will get on the case. They will handle the insurance company and ensure that you get a fair amount in car accident damages whether they are first or third party. They have done it for hundreds and will do it for you.

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