
Facts you need to know about steroid epidural injections

Facts steroid epidural injectionsIn its most basic form, epidural corticosteroid (steroid) injections are a quick way to syringe-deliver painkillers into the body. The epidural area receives the injection of the medication. The spinal cord is covered in this fatty region to shield it and the nearby nerves from harm.

Pain relief can occasionally be momentary.

Sometimes the advantages last for a while.

As you might already know, I write about how to protect your health in a range of my bestselling wellness books.

Plus I also share online health tips here on my blog and in my nutritionist recommended online program: The Stop Emotional Eating Course!

So,  I put together this quick guide with key facts you should know about steroid epidural injections.

How does the epidural steroid injection work?

Steroids in epidural injections have anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit pain signals from inflamed spinal nerves while improving lower back and leg function.

The prescribed medication solution is injected into the epidural space directly. This space is 3 to 6 mm in diameter and contains the following:

  • The spinal nerves.
  • The dural sac (the outer covering of the spinal cord).
  • Tendons and ligaments.
  • Fat.
  • Blood vessels.

Epidural steroid injection functions by administering a solid anti-inflammatory to the area of spinal nerve impingement. 

Three different routes can give epidural injections in the lumbosacral spine:

  • transforaminal
  • caudal
  • interlaminar (also known as translaminar)

Your doctor will determine the best method for you based on your treatment and previous spine surgeries.

The medication for the medical pain is administered via transforaminal injection to the region where a disc herniation has compressed a particularly affected nerve root as it leaves the spine. It is typically used as the first option for an epidural injection.

A caudal injection is the most straightforward but least precise method of entering the epidural space. However, it may be helpful if multiple spinal regions are affected, or post-surgical changes preclude other ways.

An interlaminar (or translaminar) injection can target one side or both, treat multiple levels simultaneously, and provide the medication straight into the spinal canal at the affected level.

What are the side effects and perils of this injection?

Bleeding, infection and nerve damage are risks associated with any needle process. However, when executed correctly, the threat of any of these is shallow and frequently outweighed by the procedure’s potential benefits.

Epidural steroid injections are not recommended in the following circumstances:

  • Bleeding disorders 
  • Allergies to anticoagulants, 
  • Systemic infections, or localized infections in the vicinity.

Common side effects are mild pain at the injection site, temporary worsening of chronic pain, rinsing, insomnia, or elevated blood sugar. Headaches are a less frequent side effect. These are effective to make within one to three days and are self-limited.

What are the uses of this injection, and who can be beneficial from this?

Back pain brought on by disc herniation (slipped disc), lumbosacral radiculopathy, spinal stenosis, or sciatica is frequently treated with epidural steroid injections. Potent anti-inflammatory drugs called corticosteroids can significantly lessen inflammation around a pinched nerve that is causing pain and discomfort in the back and legs when administered into the epidural space.

An epidural injection may be helpful for patients with several common conditions, such as facet/synovial cysts, lumbosacral herniated, spondylosis, lumbar radiculopathy, sciatica, and lumbar spinal stenosis. In addition, an epidural steroid injection could help with surgical planning or serve as a successful nonsurgical treatment in and of itself.

Conclusion on steroid epidural injections

Doctors use epidural injections to manage chronic pain and reduce pain during and following surgery. You may be familiar with the epidural some pregnant women receive to relieve pain during childbirth. But it also serves other purposes. The “epidural space,” which is the area directly outside the membrane enclosing your spinal cord, is the location of the injection.

Several ailments could make getting an epidural risky for you, including:

  • Drug allergies during anesthesia
  • Issues with blood clotting
  • An ailment
  • Unmanageable diabetes
  • You also take other medications.

Not everyone is given an epidural steroid injection, and it is given according to the health conditions. Depending on your situation, your physician might suggest another method of pain relief, or the process may need to be delayed until an improved time comes.

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