
3 Foods That Help You Sleep and 3 That Disturb Sleeping

Foods That Help You Sleep and 3 That Disturb SleepingIf you’re having restless nights, here is a quick guide on foods that help you sleep better and foods that disturb sleeping.

Did you know that the quality of your sleep is very dependent on your eating habits?

Yes, if you are right now experiencing trouble falling asleep (or staying asleep) it might be because of what you’re choosing to eat and drink.

For instance, the amount of deep, restorative sleep you will get may be decreased by a saturated fat diet – one low in fiber.

One quick solution:  If you need a snack before bedtime, then you should consider eating more complex carbohydrates – which digest quickly.

But that’s simply one food suggestion among many which I have for you!

Coming up I will be giving you you a range of helpful info to develop better eating habits which encourage healthier sleeping patterns.

As you might know, I am a bestselling author with about 2 million books sold globally.

Plus I founded a research based course called The Anxiety Cure.

I love sharing insights and strategies to help people to reduce their anxiety, feel calmer and sleep better.

With this in mind I put together this quick guide on foods that help you sleep better and foods that disturb sleeping.

3 Foods That Help You Sleep

The following are some of the top recommended foods that improve the quality of your sleep.

1. Fatty fish

sleep is good for youDue to their exceptional amounts of vitamin D, fatty fish like trout, tuna, and salmon are healthy. They also contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are crucial in boosting brain health, protecting against heart disease, and reducing inflammation.

Also, they are a significant beauty sleep supplement ingredient. The combination of the fatty acids and vitamin D increases the production of serotonin, thus enhancing the quality of sleep.

Studies have indicated that people who eat salmon regularly fall asleep faster than those who consume beef, pork, or chicken. Therefore, if you want to fall asleep quicker or sleep deeply, you should have a few ounces of fatty fish before getting into bed.

2. Almonds

Almonds provide numerous health benefits because they contain many nutrients. Along with other types of nuts, almonds are a source of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps boost the quality of your sleep. They also contain magnesium which has been proven to improve sleep quality, especially for insomniacs. The recommended amount of almonds you can consume before bed is 1 ounce.

3. Kiwi

Kiwis are one of the best foods to eat before going to bed. Research indicates that the fruit can reduce the time taken to fall asleep by about 42%. Additionally, it can improve your ability to sleep through the night without waking by 5% and increase your total sleep time by at least 13%. These effects can be attributed to serotonin, a brain chemical that regulates your sleep cycle.

3 Foods That Disturb Sleeping

Here are a range of foods that can interrupt, prevent and just in general disturb sleeping.

1. Spicy Foods

foods that disturb sleepingSpicy foods are responsible for indigestion, acid reflux, and heartburn.

These symptoms worsen when you lie down to sleep as the acid travels into the esophagus leading to irritation.

This causes sleep disturbances that keep you awake at night.

Also, your surface and core body temperature slightly increase when you eat spicy foods.

Although the effect is temporary, it may negatively affect sleep. And so you might want to avoid spicy foods which at night because they can disturb sleeping.

2. Caffeinated Foods and Beverages

Caffeine is a stimulant that increases alertness and can make you feel more energized and awake.

Due to genetic variations, some people experience sleep-related complications when they ingest a small amount of caffeine.

However, others can consume it just before getting into bed without any sleep issues.

Some of the foods that contain caffeine include:

  • Black and green teas
  • Chocolate
  • Energy drinks
  • Coffee (including decaf)

3. Alcoholic Drinks

To relax and unwind before bedtime, most people like to have a drink or two. Although you might initially feel tired, alcohol can disturb your sleep when your blood alcohol levels decline. Also, studies have strongly linked alcohol to insomnia and should be avoided as part of insomnia treatment.

Avoiding certain foods and drinks may help if you have difficulty falling or staying asleep. However, dietary choices affect more than just your sleep. They play a crucial role in factors such as cardiovascular health, blood sugar levels, and weight. Therefore, before making any significant adjustments to your diet, you must consult a dietician or doctor.

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