
Craving unhealthy food? Research says music influences eating

Loud music increases cravings for unhealthy food - says research

If you’re craving unhealthy food, you’ll want to know this research about how different music influences how you eat! Read on…

Research now reports that loud music increases cravings for unhealthy foods.

So, if you want to reduce your urge for chips, chocolate and other junk food cravings, you might want to lower the volume on your music.

Research on cravings for unhealthy food

cravings unhealthy food quoteStudies now report that the music you listen to can …

  • influence the kinds of foods you eat
  • affect how well you stick to your diet

In particular, scientists from the University of South Florida report that…

  • music has a significant influence on people’s choices in eating

So, which music affects cravings for unhealthy food?

healthy eating quote karen salmansohnnThese researchers studied the buying habits of customers at a café in Sweden over a period of two days.

They discovered that people selected healthier foods 10% more frequently when they were listening to quieter music.

The researchers then duplicated the study in a supermarket – but this time the subjects were exposed to loud music.

The results?

Subjects listening to louder music chose unhealthy foods more frequently.

overeating unhealthy food reminderNext up, the researchers repeated the study in a controlled environment, examining the responses of several groups of students.

This time each group listened to different kinds of music at different kinds music at different volumes.

People who listened to quieter music made healthier choices.

Oh – and students who heard no music were also reported to choose unhealthier foods half the time – which pretty much matched the same results of those listening to loud music.

If you want to control cravings for unhealthy food

cravings unhealthy foodResearchers believe that quiet tunes help people to relax – which thereby helps folks to make better choices. 

As a recovered stress eater, I believe that the quieter, calming music helped to lower stress levels.

And when you reduce stress, you reduce the urge to stress eat. 

Anywhichway, if you want to reduce your cravings for junk food, you might want to listen to some nice, quiet classical music.

Get more tools to control cravings and overeating

Check out my life changing video course, Stop Emotional Eating.

These results proven tools have already helped many thousands of people to stop binge eating when their stressed, angry, bored, depressed, etc.. Learn more now here!

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